Are My Kids Missing Out?

Friday, January 24, 2014

I overheard a mom talking at the school today and it really got me thinking. She said "We don't have a minute to do anything after school, we get home have dinner in a rush and are out the door 7 nights a week!"

It made me go, huh? I'd be utterly exhausted!

I couldn't imagine being so busy - We have too much stuff going on as it is with homework, extra reading stuff to get Kyla caught up with her levels of reading.. not to mention Jordan is in grade 5 and has nightly homework, Ava gets sheets she has to do 1 a night and Jayden, even in Junior Kindergarten has homework - yep! in JK!  I'm just exhausted thinking about it all!

She went on to say she has one kid in five different activities, and the other in four. I guess my kids just aren't that lucky because the only time we put them in anything is in the summertime.

It's not that we don't want to, but it would be nearly impossible for us. We don't drive, either one of us and we don't have a vehicle. We walk, take the subway or bus/street car everywhere! Could you imagine how much that would end up costing us? Plus, We have set schedules and most of the time my husband is at work it's me carting the kids everywhere. It just isn't likely during the school year.

My kids are gone from 830a-320p every single day of the week as it is, I'd like to spend time with them. Last night we had family movie night and watched "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2" because today is a PA day so they stayed up a bit later - listening to them laugh, and coo over a cute little alive Strawberry was priceless to me. I wouldn't change these moments for anything.

Sure, it's amazing to have kids in after school and weekend activities I'm not knocking that at all, I just couldn't imagine being busy 7 nights a week, I barely get to bed before 1a on a good day as it is..

When would the kids do their homework? What time would they possibly go to bed at? I guess that family has it under control though, so kudos to them. That is something I look up to - I'm just not sure I could do it!

It also makes me wonder if my kids are missing out on something? I never did anything as a kid. Notta. I played outside after school, went right back out after dinner until dark which was bath and then bedtime.  I thought that was the most incredible ever. I had a great childhood I think. During the school year I think we are good with keeping things the way they are. We get home from school, the kids do homework or play if there is no homework, we have dinner, kids have some tv time while I tidy up after dinner and get the dishes into the dish washer. Then we have reading, I read with all the kids every night..10 minutes each kid, then it's baths on bath night, and bed by 7-715p every night for all kids under 8. 9p for the 10 year old, which also gets earlier depending on his mood most nights. So I'm just not sure when we'd fit something else in...

Last summer all my kids were in swimming lessons - all five of them. Two of which I went to classes with and had to be in the water with them, it was awesome - I was big and pregnant too. It was so much fun. This summer we haven't quite figured out if they want to do swimming again or maybe get them into something else. I guess we will think about it closer to that time. 
What do your after school routines look like? Do you have your kids in any after school activities? Tell us about them!


  1. I think some parents expect too much from their kids sometimes with all these sports and after school programs, when I was little I went to bowling on Saturday mornings and spent sunday mornings at my families diner working, and it was enough for us. I put my oldest in her first sport last year and it was soccer, the soccer field is a 5 minute walk from our house and having a 2 year old and a small baby it was hard to get out the door on time so she could walk herself most times, it was 3 nights a week and sometimes it was too much, it started at 5pm which was dinner time and screwed up plans on those nights, we had to base bath nights and normal running around, around those nights. It did get stressful at times but she loved it and I'm glad we did make it work for her!

    1. I totally agree with this. Swimming in the summer was even stressful for us, we had to move naps around and make sure we always have street car and subway tokens before going.... Luckily that was only 1 day a week, I think if my kids wanted to be in something that's how it would have to be for us.

  2. I don't think your kids are missing out at all. They are happy and have fun. My kids are still young and I'm sure we could've put them in activities designed for babies and toddlers, but I think having too much to do can be overwhelming. I will definitely encourage my kids to participate in clubs after school and sports, if they want, but 1-2 at a time.

    1. Thank you! They do have fun, and are super happy. My oldest wants to get into soccer, so I'm going to look into it. The others don't really want to do much, they are more the play in the backyard with dirt, chalk and bikes kinda kids!

  3. I don't think your kids are missing out at all.think of the time commuting and doing all these activities and how tried they would be you sound like you have your days pretty planned out. In my opinion structure is more important.at the end of the day kids need rest and time to be kids and not be kept busy and on the go. Summer is what these activities are for during the school year focus should be kept on school work. They need to feel secure and not like they always have to be ready for something.

    1. Great points, I do agree. Especially with the always needing to be ready. I think my kids would get too tired, and my kids don't sleep in regardless of when they go to bed, so if we had to run around and move everything back even an hour or two it could have a big affect on them.

  4. I don't think your children are missing out at all! I agree with your sentiments that you're dealing with several children's homework each night and that they had swimming lessons in the summer. It's not like they're not receiving any stimulation.

    I dislike the North American prerogative to have our children scheduled to the absolute last moment of every single day. When I grew up, I was allowed to do one activity: dance, riding lessons, band or what have you. I never felt like I wasn't ever doing enough. With school and practice for the activities, it was good enough. I'm not bashing anyone who has their children in things, but I feel like having a gajillion things on the go is so not healthy.

    1. Thanks Claudia! I agree completely.

      I love that you pointed out you were allowed to do one activity, I didn't even have that and I can happily say my childhood was amazing. I was outside all the time playing, and had lots of family time, full course meals every night while I try to do nightly at my house as well.... It's much different now, that's for sure.

  5. I think every family has to do what works for them. I only have 2 kids and I wouldn't have them in stuff every day of the week. They have one night a week that they take karate. My son has tutor 2 days a week after school and that is as busy as I want to be. I think family time and being home is important and lots of kids don't seem to get enough "down time". There's absolutely nothing wrong with having your kids in multiple activities if that's what works for your family. Either way, happy kids are what is most important :)


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