The Baby Tree Prize Pack Giveaway {USA ONLY}

Monday, June 02, 2014

THE BABY TREE (ages 5-8)
By Sophie Blackall
In stores May 1, 2014

I am so thrilled to bring you this giveaway this week. What a wonderful book this is, and I think if you have a child between the ages of 5-8 this is a perfect book for you! We got a copy of this book and my 2 daughters love reading it over and over, and my soon to be 5 year old son (this Friday! wah!!) has gotten me to read it to him twice now too! It's really great. If you have children, or know children at the age of questions or if you have more than 1 child, a new baby or are expecting a baby... You need this book!

Not only is The Baby Tree full of great photos to help show the kids what is being talked about but it's so well written that it really does help explain in a much more clear way. I always had trouble answering this question as more babies came into our family. I wasn't too sure how much to share, what were the "Age appropriate" words and ways to explain where babies come from... My kids really enjoyed this book and at the end of the book there's even more age appropriate ways to explain into more details, which I thought was just great! After reading this book my 6, 7 and almost 5 year old were happy, and excited with what they'd read... And I'm sure more questions will come the older they get and the more they read this book, but I feel like it's help paint a more clear picture for them and I will be able to tackle, in an appropriate way for their ages, any questions that do come about in the future!

Sooner or later, every child will ask, Where do babies come from? Answering this question has never been this easy or entertaining! Join a curious little boy who asks everyone from his babysitter to the mailman, getting all sorts of funny answers along the way, before his parents gently set him straight.

New from award-winning author and illustrator Sophie Blackall comes a beautiful picture book full of playful details to help answer the age-old-question..where do babies come from?

 SOPHIE BLACKALL is the illustrator of several award-winning books, including Ruby’s Wish by Shirin Yim Bridges, Meet Wild Boars by Meg Rosoff, Pecan Pie Baby by Jacqueline Woodson, and the Ivy and Bean books by Annie Barrows. Her artwork has also appeared in various magazines and exhibitions. Previously she lived in Sydney, Australia, and has had jobs in a shoe shop and a robot factory.


“Blackall once again excels at portraying a thoughtful child with a rich inner life” —Publishers Weekly, Starred Review

“Blackall’s text is straightforward, calm, and reassuring without being clinical. Her Chinese-ink and watercolor illustrations make the most of the narrator’s imaginative flights of fancy…cute as a button.” —The Horn Book, Starred Review

“A delightfully age-appropriate way to give young children the facts about contraception and birth…Another wonderful contribution from Blackall.”

—School Library Journal, Starred Review.


·         Visit the author’s website

·         Watch The Baby Tree video

·         Follow Penguin Kids on Twitter and Facebook

GIVEAWAY! it's story time with The Baby Tree!

One (1) winner receives The Baby Tree and a soft kid’s blanket for story time

Prizing & samples  courtesy of Penguin Books USA

Open to USA Addresses ONLY. 
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. I was given this products complimentary to review. However all opinions are mine and 100% true.
Giveaway open to US residents only. ONE WINNER will receive 1 The Baby Tree book and a soft kids blanket .. You have 24 hours from prize announcement to claim your prize before a new winner will be chosen instead. Giveaway is open from June 2 - June 9 at 11:59p, winner will be chosen and posted/emailed the afternoon of June 10th . Good luck!


  1. It just so happens that I do have a child between 5-8 and I bet he would love this book!

  2. This sounds like a cute book! (And really, all parents have to deal with this BIG question some day!)

  3. That looks like a really cute book! I went to the library to try to find one and the librarian told me that there weren't kid books, only adult books! Ugh!

  4. I happen to have a 5 year old. I'm waiting for that fateful question!

  5. Looks like a great book,Would be good for kiddies,Shame i am not in US i would of entered your giveaway.

  6. I'm so glad that there is a fill for this need! One day, we might need this book!

  7. This looks like a helpful book. My boys have asked where babies come from and I say the hospital.

  8. I haven't had to deal with this question so far, even with the new baby. I know it will come sooner or later though!

  9. My child is a few years too young for this book. It sounds like a great read, though!

  10. I love this and I want this! I am going to pin this to my Book List and of course enter the contest. Love the video... I'm still unsure myself where they come from... 6 kids later

  11. This looks wonderful. Thank you for the giveaway- I entered and will keep my fingers crossed. My daughter would love this book.

  12. This sounds adorable. I think my boys might be ready for it soon.

  13. What a cute book and giveaway! I think its adorable it comes with a blanket for storytime! I dont have kids and my nephew is 9 so I wont enter the giveaway but good luck to all the participants!

  14. Sounds like a cute book. Great giveaway.

  15. Such a cute book! Entered to WIN!

  16. My Grandson will be 5 shortly and I know he would love this book. Very cute book.

  17. This so so cute. My son would love this!

  18. Those illustrations are so colorful and fun! This would be good for my nephew in a couple of years.

  19. OH boy do I remember the days when I heard those questions! Great idea for a book!

  20. Oh goodness - I could have used this book a year ago before our daughter was born. It would have definitely helped explain to my son!

  21. My 6 year old woudl love this. Looks like a perfect book for her age.

  22. My oldest would love this book. It looks like a great story. Thanks for the chance to win and for telling us a little about the author.

  23. We have the book and love it! It's sooo cute!

  24. What a cute book! Love the illustrations.

  25. This looks like a very cute book! And that blanket - it looks so soft!

  26. Sounds like a great book for young kids. The illustrations look fantastic! Thank you for sharing.

  27. This is a great introduction to the topic. You can take it further or stop where the book leaves off depending on your child.

  28. What a sweet idea for a book! My nieces and nephews would love that!

  29. What a sweet story and a great way to spark that conversation!

  30. I love sweet storys like that. My girl would enjoy this book and be able to read it to me.

  31. My daughters love books like this and that blanket looks so comfy!

  32. This looks like a great book. I will have to share with my friends with young kids

  33. Sounds like a great book! I'm sure that question of where babies come from will be coming soon enough.

  34. My niece would probably love this book. I'm going to share it with my sister-in-law.

  35. looks like a super cute book!

  36. I am always in the market for new books for my daughter! This one looks like it would make a great addition to the collection!

  37. I love finding new books to read with my kiddos!

  38. This book looks absolutely precious! I hope we win it. I love the illustrations.

  39. This looks like a perfect way to explain the 'birds and the bees' - I will have to look into it for my son, he is definitely a question asker and I am just waiting on this one to come up!

  40. This is really cute. My girls are 5 and 7 years old, but the 7 year old made sure she told her sister where babies come from. I laugh every time they talk about it.

  41. I think this would be a good book to have in our mini library :)

    Boba + Pearls

  42. This is really sweet. Thanks for the giveaway!

  43. I have been telling my kids the same version of where babies come from since my oldest was three and started to ask. It is one of those questions that establishes a relationship with children forever.

  44. Thanks for the giveaway! This would be perfect for Aiden-5 and Kyliee-7!!! This has always been something that I've struggled with when asked about!


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