Loved 90's Kids Toys

Friday, July 18, 2014

Being born in 1985 means I grew up in the 90's getting to enjoy all the wonderful toys that were once all the rage. My kids toys sure don't compare to what I grew up loving! After showing Jordan a bunch of kids toys I had as a kid, and him having NO idea what most were I  thought I would do up a post with some of these toys and see how many people remember them too! I got a kick out of finding all of these, what a trip down memory lane! 

Glo Worm
These are still available today, but this is how they looked back when I had a glo worm! I don't know why I had one - I never really used it, but it was always in my toy box!

P.J. Sparkles
All the girls loved little Miss PJ Sparkles. She was one of my all time faves. I had two of them and wish I would have kept them for my girls.

I loved this. I had 2 plus a Nano. These were so popular at one point, and totally amazing. Keeping these things alive was a huge chore though and I couldn't ever keep up with it. Totally fun and my kids would have loved it though.

Puppy, Kitty and Pony Surprise
I had Pony Surprise. Mine was pink and white and had 3 babies. I remember being SO upset that mine only had 3 babies when others I knew had 4-6 babies! But this was always one of my absolute favorites!

Kitty Kitty Kitten
I asked for this for Christmas one year. I finally got it, a calico exactly like the one pictured. Oh boy did I ever love my kitty kitty kitten. Her name was Patches like my grandparents calico and I took her everywhere with me, Lol.

Dear Diary Talkback
I had one of these and LOVED IT SO MUCH. Every girl I knew either had one or lusted after one. I remember feeling so cool having one, but I always kept forgetting my darn password! This is another I wish I kept for my girls!

Oh my gosh. These things were ALL the rage when I was in grade 5. I remember very vividly at recess the WHOLE school sitting on the ground, outside playing pogs against each other. I had the cool metal slammers... and boy was this so much fun. I loved my pogs, I had so many too!

Skip It
I think these are still available now... I'm not sure. But these were so much fun, I was a master at skip it - I don't think I actually owned one though I think I just used everyone elses!

I have NO idea what this is called but again, there was a time these were all the rage. They were frustrating yet SO MUCH FUN at the same time! Lol...

I had Hundreds of these dolls. I have no idea what happened to them when my mom died and I moved out, I wish I would have kept them. I had so many.. Some with jewels on the belly, clothes, oh you name it I had it! These were amazing.

Pogo Ball
I'm not sure if that's the official name or not but these were amazing too. I had one of these, and I don't think I ever did very well with them! LOL

I had a purple one, but I never knew what it was called.. at least not now until I saw the photo and remembered my favorite purple one!

What was this called?
I have no idea what this is called, but I LOVED IT. My brother and I used to play this for hours on end lol.

Lite Brite
Had this and loved it for years. I was so excited a few Christmases ago to get my kids one but was so disappointed at how cheap, flimsy and NOT THE SAME as it once was!

Slap Bracelets
Used to go around slapping them on peoples arms. It was a ton of fun, and would always make a good laugh. I recently saw these at the dollar store and discouraged my kids from getting them HAHA.

Stick-On Earrings
You just weren't a fashion icon if you didn't have on some stick-on earrings! These were AWESOME.

Silly Puddy
My brother loved this stuff. I had a few of them and we would bug each other with them all the time. I recently saw it at Target and Jordan wanted it when I told him it was from back in the day... He got it, and wasn't too impressed with it. haha kids these days ;)

Source of most of these photos: Pinterest

There are SO many I could post. I have 4 pages written out of fun and awesome toys I remember and loved. I will post more at a later date because I absolutely love the memories that come along with them! So much fun.

Do you spot any you remember? If not, what were some toys YOU loved as a kid? Doesn't even have to be from the 90's I'd love to hear!


  1. My son has a Glo Worm now! And I had the white Popple. I loved that thing!

  2. LOL I remember those toys from when my Daughter was younger. The GloWorm was one of her favorites.

  3. I have that catch and toss velcro game! It's in my outdoor toy storage box. I also have skip-it and glow worm still. Maybe I'm a hoarder? Or maybe I just appreciate classic toys. :)

  4. I was a huge My Little Pony fan, before they came out again and were all weird. My favourite one was a purple one that you could pull the tail out REALLY long, and then you turned her head back and forth (like she was saying "no"), and the tail went back in.

  5. I remember a lot of these games. The glowworm and Popples were huge!

  6. The GloWorm was actually an early 80's toy! I still have mine, and it's my son's now. Still works, too.

  7. Dawn had a Glow Worm and a Lite Brite - I can remember stepping on the lights for the Lite Brite...OUCH!

  8. Wow! These all took me way back. I loved my Glo Worm and my Lite Brite. So nostalgic.

  9. I remember all of these! One year the entire class got Tamagochi's for Christmas. We all came to school with it and the teachers were furious when our Tamagochi's beeped signalling that they needed to be fed or played with or whatever. LOL

  10. We have a few of those. The catch game, sticker earrings and skip game are all still sold. And still awesome. :)

  11. OMGosh I want a Pogo Ball for my kids. I forgot about that! I also had a Glo Worm and so did my daughter but hers was so much cuter than ours was. I also had a Pound Puppy Surprise, although once I got the puppies out the thrill was over and I don't think I ever played with it. I had pongs but never learned how to play the game, just had them b/c they were popular. So funny. I think my mom still has a trunk filled with trolls. I collected them. Hilarious. My kids would probably think I'm crazy if I pulled those out. I must call her tomorrow and ask.

  12. OMG that brought back so many memories I don't even know where to start. I remember wanting one of the P.J. Sparkles and my dad got my step sister one (who didn't even like them) instead.

  13. I was just telling my daughter about some of the toys that were popular back in the day: Teddy Ruxpin, cabbage Patch.

  14. I am a child of the 80's, but I remember my sister & brother had millions of those silly Pogs.

  15. Wow I think I remember 90% of them lol.Brought back some memories I used to love my Dear Diary Talkback.

  16. OMG, I loved so many of these things growing up! I had a HUGE troll collection, loved pogs and so many others!

  17. I was born in 75 and we had quite a few of these toys too. I remember the slap bracelets all too well. We would wear a few of them at a time and teachers would get so mad and started taking them away because they became such a distraction in class.

  18. I remember getting a Pogo Ball for Christmas one year! I miss the toys of the 80s and 90s. Had a Glowworm too.

  19. YIKES! oh the memories, I loved my puppy surprise, and I wish trolls were still popular I would have them everywhere!

  20. omgosh, I forgot about some of those! PJ Sparkles was very popular with me and my friends growing up.

  21. Man this was a trip down memory lane. I remember all these toys. Some I only got to use because my friends had it but I enjoyed every minute of it.

  22. Oh no... My kids had hundreds of Trolls. I think some are still around.

  23. Ahhh, memory lane. Back in the "day" with all the good toys. Tamgotchi and skip it stand out the most in my mind.

  24. This brought back so many memories for me. I used to have a GloWorm!

  25. Oh my gosh girl! I miss my Popples and Glow Worms. Wish they still made some of these awesome toys!

  26. These toys bring back memories. My daughter had a Glo Worm and I loved the Trolls.

  27. I had so many of these! I still have a Puppy Surprise that my girls now play with!

  28. I loved so many of these! How did I miss the stick on earrings??

  29. I had a Dear Diary and loved it. Of course I'm way into tablets and tech now so maybe that's why!

  30. I remember the sticker earrings! I am an 80s baby too!


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