Bell Media #CyberTalk

Monday, September 15, 2014

Making sure my kids are safe is and always has been my #1 priority. Now that they are all getting older and wanting to venture online to play games, chat with friends and get homework done I needed to make sure that not only was the internet content they'd be looking at safe for them to browse but also that they were safe while doing it.

I have some rules in the house but the most important rule we have when it comes to online - never give personal information or download ANYTHING, ever.

My kids don't get to sit online and have free roam, I sit with them doing my work, planning or whatever I need to but I'm right with them while they do their thing.

Jordan being 11 gets a little bit more freedom when it comes to online. He has his own phone, facebook account, twitter and youtube he likes to follow gamers on - but he's had plenty of years of me discussing the dos/donts of the internet and knows how to deal with anything that may happen.

Not long ago Jordan was playing an online game beside me and he said "hey mom look this person wants me to call them" I grabbed the computer and took the phone number down. I called it and got 2 young kids, I told them I'm a mom and it's very dangerous to give out their phone number and I don't think their parents would approve, I asked to speak to an adult and they hung up on me.

We talked about it, which is the most important thing. Being open and honest, Jordan couldn't believe how crazy those kids were. He brought up what if we were crazy old men or women looking to cause trouble. It was a very scary situation. I ended up sending an email to the parental email that signed that child up for the game, but I never heard back. So I don't know if they got it or not.

It is so very important to speak to your kids about Cyber Safety. Protecting passwords, never giving out personal information and avoiding strangers are so important. Kids can be fearless and get caught up in the games or chatting. I don't think they ever really stop to think "what if" so it's our jobs to make sure we let them know. 

My kids get 1 hour of computer time a day. None of them are allowed on social media except Jordan. He has a facebook and twitter which I strictly monitor. He wasn't allowed these things for a very long time either. When we moved to Toronto from Kingston I signed him up for facebook which he didn't have the password to until recently so he could keep in touch with his best friend from back home - it wasn't until his 10th Birthday I gave him the password, and let him venture on but if he ever wanted on before that it had to be strictly with me.

Now at 11 I still monitor all messages, and everything he does. I will probably for a long while. If he ever has a problem he knows to come to me right away.

You can never be too careful online, the more kids know and understand about safety and things that can happen the less likely they will be to make poor decisions and be a bit more cautious.

Please be sure to join in September 17th for the Government of Canada’s #CyberTalk, an online Q&A which you can attend on facebook.

Get Cyber Safe is hosting #CyberTalk, two live, 30-45 minute, nationwide online discussions (one in English and one in French) featuring a moderator and a panel of parenting, youth and cyber experts. 

 Get Cyber Safe is hosting two live, 30-45 minute, nation-wide online discussions (one in English and one in French) featuring a moderator and a panel of parenting, youth and cyber experts.

 #CyberTalk is a live, online Q&A session that gives Canadian parents the opportunity to hear directly from leading experts in several fields relating to parenting and online safety.

 Topics of discussion will include keeping children safe online and on social media, what controls should be in place, and cyberbullying.
 Parenting kids in a digital age has changed the landscape. Today’s parents are concerned and often feel out of their depth when it comes to parenting teens tied to their cell phones and social media accounts.

 How do they keep them safe online? How can I tell if my child is being cyberbullied? What new apps should I know about? How do I keep my child safe on social media? These are just some of the questions you may have concerning your child and the Internet.

 See parent infographic for additional statistics on teen activity online.
 English event: Wednesday, September 17th at 1:00pm EDT

 French event: Wednesday, September 24th at 1:00pm EDT

Note: The conversation will last 30-45 minutes.
 The CyberTalk event will take place on the Get Cyber Safe Facebook page:www.facebook.com/getcybersafe

 It’s all virtual. Parents can view and participate in the events from anywhere in Canada, as long as they have an internet connection, of course.
Through a live Q&A session via Google Hangout on Get Cyber Safe’s Facebook page, parents can ask questions about their cyber safety concerns in two ways:

 In advance: Parents can ask their questions on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag#CyberTalk

 In advance people can rsvp to the CyberTalk on the event page:https://www.facebook.com/events/813677028667145/

Now, how about a giveaway?

Open to Canadian residents - Bell Media has even kind enough to sponsor a giveaway! Here is your chance to win a $50 Visa Gift Card! Need to buy some software to keep your computer safe for your children? Here's a great chance to snag $50 towards that purchase!

Please note: you can enter across all blogs participating in the Bell Media Cyber Bully campaign but you can only win once, on one blog. Winner will be chosen randomly on Sept 16th you will have 24 hours to respond with your info otherwise another winner will be redrawn!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I am part of the Bell Media – Cyber Safety blogger program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. The internet can be such a scary place for kids. My son is still so young, so we monitor everything on our iPad and iPhones (he doesn't have access to download everything.) This will continue many years, I'm sure.

  2. Oh jeez! It's so scary to think what kinds of creeps are out there, but they are. It's so important to talk to our kids!

  3. My girls aren't old enough to play online alone but I dread them having their own Facebook and Twitter accounts. BTW I love your blog! Following you on your social media accounts now!

  4. Protect from stalkers that seem find ways to find your personal stuff no matter what social web site you have.

  5. I don't let my kids online - they are still to young, but when they are an appropriate age I will let them online but strictly monitor them for sure. Great blog and info :)

  6. Kiddo is only 9 and she has 4 parents. So, we've got a while before any of us needs to have talks with her. At her moms the only time shes online is to play games on PBS or Minecraft, and even that is rare. She gets no time online here.

  7. Now that both my niece and nephew are old enough to go online, I get a lot of eye rolls. I think I've had the cyber talk with them four or five times, now.

  8. Cyberspace is such a scary place now. Kids can be exposed to almost anything and anyone if parents aren't vigilant about keeping their kids aware and also being aware of what their kids are doing.

  9. Keeping kids safe online is so important. Great they are doing this program.

  10. Keeping kids safe online is so important. I have always talked to my kids about not giving out personal information online.

  11. That is a great infographic! It's so scary these days. My boys are little so they don't get online, but I worry what it will be like when they can.

  12. It's amazing how scary the internet can be for little ones! I'm sharing this with my friends with kids so they know how to teach their little ones about internet safety.

  13. It's definitely scary to think about the crazies that are out in the world. Talking to your kids is so important.

  14. It's so scary all the things kids could get into online. I have to go over and over the rules with my kids.

  15. It is sad to know that even online your kids aren't safe. It is so important to monitor their online activity

  16. i try to monitor everything my kids are doing online, it would be nice to have some support and extra help

  17. I love this, great tips. I try to monitor my kids as well.

  18. Letting the kiddos online is always a scary thought!We do the 'hover over the shoulder' method here LOL

  19. I'm very careful about what my son can do on the computer. Safety is really important these days!

  20. That is an interesting topic for sure. I can only imagine how the internet will change and grow as my son gets older.

  21. My kids are only 7 and 5, but I've already had to have a talk with them about the computer. They can only use it (even if just to print out coloring sheets) if an adult is supervising them.

  22. As a proactive person, and parent, my daughter has been by my side through my blogging career and direct sales stuff I did online from 2006 forward. This means she has been privy to the dangers, and aware of what I expect of her online. Right now she is 11 almost 12, but she does use the internet, even at school. It was important to me from a young age to teach all three of my children about online safety, it's as important of a talk these days as stranger danger!

  23. Internet safety can be a challenge for family's. Kids need to be aware of the dangers online. I love that Bell has a cyber Safety program.

  24. These are excellent tips on cyber safety. They pertain to adults, as well. Thanks for belonging to such an incredible program and sharing the cautions. It's easier to make kids believe the danger exists when they see other people discussing situations on social media.

  25. Luckily my kids are online yet. But these are tips to help keep them safe online.

  26. In this day in age where being online is the norm, it really is hard to keep kids away from it. We also have limits put in place. My 10 year old has been whining for an Instagram account for the past year. I think when she turns 11 we'll give in, but with very strict limits put in place.

  27. It can be so dangerous. I think its also important to have the talk more than once. Have 'The Talk' and then talk about internet safety on a regular basis during normal conversation too.

  28. This is such an important topic to discuss. It's so dangerous online. I'm hoping my kids make good decisions and use the internet for good. I plan on being a total helicopter mom with my kids when it comes to them being online.

  29. YES talk to your kids and keep the lines of communication open. Sometimes you don't think that they know things but they are smarter than we give them credit. Thanks for sharing this topic.

  30. OH my goodness this stuff scares me so much! It is so important to talk to kids and to communicate with them often. Thank you so much for bringing this up.

  31. Conversations like this need to be started more often. I have a teen and am surprised at the number of parents that have NO CLUE as to what their kids are doing online and what apps they use.

  32. Great information here. My kids play games online mostly kid games but I always monitor what they do. Thanks for this!

  33. Cyber Safety is so important. Dawn monitors the kids actions online. I think it is so important for parents to monitor all online activity.

  34. Lots of great info here, thanks for sharing. This is such an important topic to stay on top of. Everything changes all the time. I'm always so worried about the kids.

  35. Wow -that is so scary! It's great that you caught it and were able to address it.

  36. I definitely think cyber safety when it comes to kids is super important. We have different users set up for our computer and my daughter has one that is specifically for her which has everything blocked except the few sites we allow her on. It makes it easier that way.

  37. Online safety is so important but I don't think kids really understand the danger since they can't see it. There are so many scary things that could happen even if they only give out a small piece of information.

  38. I agree it is so important! We only use kid safe search engines. My 10 yr. old has an email that sends me a copy of the emails she sends and receives. It also will only allow her to send or receive messages from those that I have added to her contat list. She can't even add anyone to the contact list. I pay $5 a month for it but it makes me feel so much more at ease. There are only a few sites they are allowed to play games and they have to sit next to me too. :)


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