It's the Weekend!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Wow, I haven't posted in days. Probably because I've felt like absolute crap. I have an awful cold which started with a migraine so bad I almost had to take myself to the ER for IV fluids. Luckily, I had my hubby taking care of me and was able to rest and although it's been present for days now it's nothing like it was and I can actually function now.

So, it's the weekend once again, the kids and I have been taking it easy. They've been complaining they want to play in the snow but we haven't had any yet. This morning it started to snow for the first time this winter. I was not too thrilled but it didn't last long, and it's not very cold outside. I am really not a fan of winter. Nor am I a fan of really hot summers either. In Canada it sucks because that's usually what we get. Freezing cold winters and burning hot summers. What can ya do?

It's pretty though right? Maybe not so much in this photo, but I took a video on Instagram of it and I stole this image from that.. It lasted maybe 10 minutes, and went away. It's snowed a few times on and off since but, nothing left on the ground now. We were getting ready to head to the stores when it started. The kids ran to the window when I announced it was snowing - they jumped up and down cheering! I remember getting that excited over snow when I was younger, now not so much.

After all the excitement I had to take all 6 kids by myself to 2 stores to grab some stuff for tomorrow as we are having some guests for dinner! We are having my guest blogger and AppleCheeks ambassador Heidi and her family over! I am so excited! I haven't felt well, so we're ordering some dinner in. We were going to reschedule because I didn't want to get her or her kids sick, but luckily because I've been sick for a while I don't think I'm too contagious anymore - and she didn't mind. So I'll just steer clear of the little ones, and all should be well. None of my kids have gotten sick - I think I caught this from Jordan who went to a friends house who was sick, and I only think I caught it because my immune system is so low with breastfeeding and lack of sleep, I need to get that all back on track!

I got some goodies at the store, we got home in time for me to get the littles down for their naps. I made the kids some lunch, and was able to squeeze in washing the floors. Our floors are so dark that every speck shows up. Very difficult to keep perfect with 3 dogs in the house with light hair, especially the WHITE ones. Oy vey.

I was talking to my friend via text this afternoon when I jokingly said I wanted to look into getting a maid 2x a month to come and do all my deep cleaning for me. It was also a sour topic in one of the groups on facebook recently too, I don't see a problem with it. I've never had a maid, but now as a mom to 6 who spends most of her days cleaning up after everyone else, I wonder why not. I won't stop cleaning, I do it daily but I don't get to deep clean as much as I'd like to. It's something to consider. I may be a stay at home mom, but I work from 8-3pm every single day online. Not straight, but anytime an E-mail comes in I answer it. I pick my kids up daily at 3pm and then I come home, make dinner, clean up, load the dish washer and most nights if it's bath night  (every other night) I am doing that alone so by the time 7/730 rolls around and these kids are ready for bed, I am BEAT. No deep cleaning coming from me..... So again, something to think about.

Tomorrow I will have lots of photos to share! I can't wait to set up my table and for the kids to have more kids to play with! I haven't had people over for a "dinner party" since moving to Toronto in August 2010.. I did it lots back home so this will be fun for me! I am like a little kid when it comes to this stuff. I love it!

Now time to go dig out some of my Christmas/Holiday decorations and get them up! We need our tree and outdoor lights up soon - must get hubby on that, maybe Monday?? ;)


  1. I would absolutely 100% get a maid if I were in your position. Even with just two people and 1 dog living here, I feel like I can't catch up. Can't imagine how you feel with 8 ppl and three dogs, hahaha omg.

    I have this nasty cough too that I can't get rid of. I've already went through a full pkg of tylenol cold pills... so I'm thinking on Monday I should actually get checked out by a doctor. Ugh, I'm coughing up a lung every few minutes. Takes a toll on ya!

    1. Lol.. When you say 8 kids and 3 dogs it sounds soooo awful lol no wonder I am so tired and can't keep up with it ;) and my house is super clean so people think I'm nuts :)

      I hope you feel better soon! This is such an awful time for sickness. Ugh I feel even worse at night so I'm really not looking forward to tonight. I can't take any pills or medicine for it so I am literally suffering :(

  2. Ugh 8* ppl I mean. Imagine, 8 kids...Oy!

  3. Sounds like it's gonna be awesome tomorrow!! We got a little bit of snow today but nothing stayed on the ground.

    Why not get a maid.??? You need time to relax and rest to keep up with the kids, a maid to do the deep dirty stuff would be a great idea!


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