A Day At High Park

Saturday, July 26, 2014

We haven't been able to do too much this summer like the past few... With my husbands work schedule we haven't been able to go on many day trips, and our usual trip to Niagara Falls for a week we couldn't do due to having so many pets now! So we are keeping busy and finding things to do around the city.

Yesterday we decided to pack up and head to High Park. We packed a huge picnic and off we went! We walked some trails and went to eat lunch. Then the kids got to play at the big park that has a huge castle they all absolutely loved. This was rebuilt a year or so ago due to a fire, and Mike Holmes from the tv show Holmes on Homes rebuilt it with his team. It was the first time we had seen it since the re-built and I was impressed.

After we went over to the small little zoo they have in the park. The kids loved it, and of course had me take some photos..

After the zoo we took the long walk through the park, stopped for an ice cream and the kids played for a little bit more before we headed home around 330pm. It was a full long day, and when we got home Jackson fell asleep on the couch, as did Justin and the other kiddos watched a movie. We decided to go to the park at the end of our street when everyone finally woke up because we had a late lunch, they all slept and we needed to keep them up a bit later so why not let them run whatever energy they had left off. 

It was a great day and night. A late night which was a bit out of our norm. Usually we stick to a pretty tight schedule, but it hasn't seemed to effect them today (thank goodness!) so it was great. They all even slept in until 9a this morning which is UNHEARD of. So, no complaints here! Next week is my Birthday so I'm excited to see what the husband has planned. I told him he could plan my whole day, and I just wanted to do something as a family even if it was a lazy day at home in the pool - I don't care, I just want us all together and hanging out for my last Birthday in my 20's!


  1. I've heard such great things about this park! We will get there one day soon! It looks awesome, so glad everyone had such a great day~!

  2. That looks like so much fun! What a great way to spend the day! My two would love it there.

  3. This park looks like so much fun! Mike Holmes did an amazing job fixing it up after the fire damage. You are making me want to visit Canada now!

  4. The park looks like so much fun. I want to play there!

  5. I love old wooden playgrounds like that! Looks like a blast! :)

  6. Holy cow, that's an awesome play area!! I would have had a blast exploring that as a kid! (Maybe even now!)

  7. Looks like a great time for the kids! As long as they are satisfied that is all I care about!

  8. Wow that is an awesome park. My boys and I would love to go there.

  9. Days out in one's own city is sometimes just as fun as days out in another. The memories you make can be just as priceless. I absolutely agree with you, sometimes just being together is enough.

  10. OMG looks like you had a great time. I wish I could take my boys.

  11. It looks like you all had a wonderful time. It's nice to be able to experience things like this with your kiddo's and make fun memories.

  12. What a cool park and fun day! I love family days like this.

  13. That is a great place. Love the animals and fun stuff to do.

  14. My kids would love that park. That looks so cool!!

  15. What a great place to take the kids. My son in older now, so the playground wouldn't be his thing. He'd love the animals though.

  16. We love to spend a day at he park - this looks like a fantastic family fun park.

  17. Oh I love this park!! What a fun place to visit, I love all the wood! And animals too, very cool place.

  18. Glad you found a fun park for the family! Tough leaving home with so many responsibilities as parents!

  19. Summer's are okay for late nights sometimes. Part of the fun. :) Glad you had a nice visit there!

  20. What an amazing park!! I would love to play there (and I'm sure my son would too.) Late nights are to be expected during the summer. I just wish it didn't affect my son so much!

  21. Sounds like a super fun day. I bet everyone slept very well that night. :-) Did they?

  22. Happy Birthday...a little early but just in case I don't see you again on here before your big day. Your little family trip looked like a lot of fun and sometimes those are the best kind.

  23. It does look rather impressive. My kids especially my toddler would love it there.

  24. Aww looks like you guys had an awesome time. I need to get out with my son and do more.

  25. That castle looks amazing my nephews would kill us to go there they both recently watched some knights movies and now they take everywhere some some paper towel cardboard roll they call the swords

  26. That looks like a great place to visit! My family would be all over that place! :)

  27. This looks like a great park! My kids would love it there.

  28. Looks like a really neat park! I love parks that don't have typical playground equipment - way better for the imagination. :)

  29. The animals are the best part! I love the peacock.

  30. That looks like the perfect way to spend a summer day. My family would enjoy that.


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