Celebrating 29 Years!

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Yesterday was a big day. We celebrated my 29 years of life! Yep, it was my 29th Birthday.

Isn't my cake beautiful? My sister in law who I have previously blogged about made it for me and it was not only delicious but absolutely beautiful. You know me? You know I love whales. So this, was totally me.

The day started off a little rocky. We all slept in, and I woke up with a migraine. My husband was suppose to plan the day for us but both things he had planned was all based on weather, and the weather kept reporting rain was coming. So, he had to search for something else for us to do. I wanted to do something as a family and something we hadn't done before.

He decided since I'm not from Toronto, and I don't know where basically anything is we'd go on a sightseeing tour! I was thrilled. We were going to tour downtown and all the main attractions on a double decker sight seeing bus and then head out on a boat to tour the islands! Talk about fun!

It was so much fun. We were lucky enough to get spots on the top, which made seeing everything so much more exciting for the kids. I didn't  get many photos from the bus tour because I was watching, listening to our guide and trying to wrangle Jackson at the same time! I also had to breastfeed Justin on top of the bus which was something I never thought I would have to do but did, which was neat! Double decker bus feeding:)

 After the bus tour the bus dropped us off at the harbor front to catch our boat tour. This was the part we were all looking forward to the most I think! Hubby had my camera during the boat ride and got some wicked sky line photos of this beautiful city!

Spectacular views! It was a really great day! I had a lot of fun. Although I didn't get a ton of photos because of having all the kids with us, babywearing, and rushing I think the photos I got were okay. Hubby did pretty well too! We finished off the night by going home, having subs for dinner and eating my yummy cake! What a great day to begin year 29....


  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Looks like you had an amazing day. Love the cake!

  2. It sounds like you had quite an eventful birthday! Love the cake. It's adorable.

  3. Happy Happy Birthday. Glad your day turned out well.

  4. That looks like a really hectic but fun birthday! I love the cake, whales are some of my favorite animals. :)

  5. Happy Birthday!!! Hope it was an awesome one. I haven't been to Toronto in about 10 years, but it still looks the same.

  6. Toronto is such a great city! Happy belated birthday!

  7. Happy Birthday! I love sightseeing tours in any city!

  8. You are a youngster! And it looks like you know how to enjoy life, I didn't at your age, good for you!

  9. Happy Birthday! Toronto is a amazing city - so much to see!

  10. Happy #29! Loved your photos! You did a great job considering ;) Have a great year!

  11. Love the cake! Hope you had a happy birthday!

  12. Happy Birthday and great pictures. I love that cake the whale is so sweet!

  13. I am glad that you had a great time on your birthday! Super cute cake too!

  14. Happy Birthday! Great photos,I would love to visit Toronto one day.

  15. Happy birthday! Looks like a great way to celebrate!

  16. What an awesome day. I hate when a day you are planning starts out bad but I'm so glad your day turned around for the best.

    Happy Birthday!!

  17. Happy belated birthday! It looks like you had a great day, despite starting it out with a migraine.

  18. I love your cake! I am in MI and have traveled through a few parts of Canada. I really enjoy Sarnia, London and of course Niagara Falls. Next on my list is Toronto.

  19. Happy birthday! It looks like a great day!

  20. I love birthday celebrations, and you're right it does look like it was a good one. Hurrah for happy beginnings (beginning year 29). :)

  21. wow, only 29?! What a fun way to celebrate!

  22. I'll be celebrating 29 soon (for the 12th time). looks like you had a great one

  23. Happy 29! I'm about to be THIRTY this year. WOW! Those photos are beautiful.

  24. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a great time, Toronto is such a fun place to visit.

  25. Happy birthday! Awesome pictures! Looks like fun.

  26. Happy birthday! Looks like you had a great time! Very cool cake by the way!

  27. Happy Birthday!! I just turned 29 in June! 29 is a great age so far! Love the cake !

  28. Happy birthday! Sounds like you enjoyed your day. I love the photos.

  29. Happy Birthday! Looks like you had a great time. Love the cake

  30. What an adorable cake! Happy Birthday! I love taking those red bus tours and seeing the city that I live in.

  31. Happy belated birthday! That cake is great, I love when people do cakes that are personal and custom and not just the generic store-bought ones.


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