1 Year Anniversary!

Friday, November 08, 2013

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Today I celebrate 1 year of being employed by the most amazing company in the world, AppleCheeks. I am so incredibly thankful for even getting the chance to work for a company I truly love and believe in, but a whole year? That is incredible. I consider myself extremely lucky.

"How did you get your job?" - I'm asked this a lot. In the cloth diaper world my job is considered a "dream job" and believe me, it is! So, I'll tell you.

I would like to thank a little app known as Instagram! I was, and still am an obsessed photo taker and poster on IG. AppleCheeks was one of my very favorite things to photograph, especially on little bums! It was August 2012 when I was asked by the beautiful Ilana co-owner of AppleCheeks to become an Ambassador for the company, a few months later she told me she had a proposal for me. I was offered the position as customer care... Of course, I took it!

My job I get to do from home - Most people don't know that, they assume I live and work in Montreal at HQ but I don't I'm all the way in Toronto. So really, it's the best of both worlds. I get to work from home in my pajamas (if I want to!) while being with my kids AND doing my dream job! I absolutely love helping people with their issues - fit, laundry, stripping you name it! It brings me great joy to know someone who may be having a small issue that may be very frustrating to them but a small little fix that they hadn't even realized and I get to help with it! Awesome, right?

Well I think so, and for that I am doing a wonderful giveaway on my Instagram. I am giving away 3 little bundles in winners choice of size and color! So, if you love AppleCheeks and would really like to snag a new little bundle (cover and insert) check me out on Instagram for you chance! The giveaway is running for a whole week and its open to EVERYONE!

I will do a blog post at some point this weekend all about AppleCheeks so those who are new and thinking about using them can get a little look into my world and why I love them so much!

Do you cloth diaper? Why did you chose to, or not to?


  1. I have not tried apple cheeks yet but hear great things! your site is so pretty congrats!

  2. I have been using AC's for almost 2 years now and coudln't be happier with their brand and the women behind it!! No china diapers in this house!!!

  3. I am looking forward to buying some applecheeks for my baby boy on the way. I already clothdiaper my two year old been doing it for a year now.... she alergic to almost all diposables and i really just love that cloth diapering is all around the best


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