Giveaway Sneak Peek!

Friday, December 20, 2013

I am thrilled to see the stats and that people are actually coming and reading! So, I figured I would share with you guys a little bit of what is to come. Here is a sneak peek of the 1st giveaway I am planning come 2014...

Super cute prints right? This wonderful gal offered to donate for my big giveaway, but the package arrived just a few days ago so I wasn't able to include it. Now, I will be doing a giveaway for these 2 items instead! (and linking the heck out of her shop, because shes awesome!) 

What would you like to see me giveaway in 2014? Nothing too extravagant, it must be realistic... comment and let me know!


  1. Those look great!!! Can't wait!

  2. i love chevrons! these look adorable.

    i would love to see more wahm stuff up for grabs, and apple cheeks of course!

  3. So kind of you! I would love a chance to win anything I never do! L.o.l

  4. I love the colors!!! I'd love to see a zipper pouch giveaway (like the marine parent's), and I'd love to donate things for a giveaway, too!!

    1. Great idea:)

      And if you'd like to donate that would be amazing! So super sweet of you:)

    2. :) I would! My etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/MaddiandAddiBowtique?ref=si_shop
      I'll have some Valentine's Day and spring stuff in the next few weeks.
      jennibrenni@gmail is my email!

  5. Loveeeee! Is this who I think it is?! I love your blog so much... Its so refreshing to read actual posts instead of sponsored post after sponsored post!

  6. Love the color combo!
    I love cloth diaper, wet bag, & dryer ball.


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