A Little Bit Of #BedroomSpice

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

A Movie About A Movie They Don't Want You To See

When Jay (Jason Segel) and Annie (Cameron Diaz) first got together, their romantic connection was intense - but ten years and two kids later, the flame of their love needs a spark. To kick things up a notch, they decide - why not? - to make a video of themselves trying out every position in The Joy of Sex in one marathon three-hour session. It seems like a great idea - until they discover that their most private video is no longer private. With their reputations on the line, they know they're just one click away from being laid bare to the world... but as their race to reclaim their video leads to a night they'll never forget, they'll find that their video will expose even more than they bargained for.  - SexTape Official Movie Site.

CAST: Cameron Diaz, Jason Segel, Rob Corddry, Ellie Kemper, Rob Lowe

Have a sneak peek at the Movie Sex Tape hitting theaters July 18th!:

It looks absolutely hilarious! I love Cameron Diaz and Jason Segal so this movie it totally going to be a hit for me!  I'm sure we can all relate to this movie in some sort of way.  I have a story from about 8 years ago I can share with you all.

How do we keep that "Fire Lit"? you probably think it's nearly impossible with us now having 6 kids, but we do. Having 6 kids just changes it up and probably makes it a bit more exciting because we don't want to be "caught" or walked in on.. So, I think it makes it a little bit more fun.

Anyways, Although I couldn't imagine ever making a sex tape it does remind me of about 8 years ago when Jordan was the only child and about 3 years old. It was the beginning of our relationship (we ended up married a year later!) so things were fairly new, and "giggly" exciting. It was Christmas time and he was off at my In laws visiting. We decided to curl up in the living room, pull out the sofa bed (yes, I had a sofa bed back then!) We decided to have some "us" time and in walked my mother in law and her friend.. Jordan tagging along behind. We had lost track of time, it was 8pm and Jordan was coming home for bed. Luckily no one saw anything, but the music from the very innocent movie and the lights being off, and the fact we JUMPED as fast as we could made it pretty obvious and fairly embarrassing. No one said anything, or ever brought it back up but it was something I've never forgotten. I still may be a little mortified. My now husband couldn't really care less because no one saw anything but us girls know how embarrassing something like that can be, am I right?

Mother in law laughed it off, and her friend made a joke. So we were able to quickly move past it but at the moment I wasn't so sure that would happen! Things happen, it's life - I think the most important thing is to not take things so seriously and just remember if it isn't hurting anyone, then its okay! 

Not nearly as bad as what happens in Sex Tape the movie but it's at the top of my worst list! 

Do you think Sex Tape looks like a movie you'd be interested in seeing? I think it looks absolutely hilarious and can't wait to go see it!

Sex Tape The Movie on Facebook 

Disclosure: I am part of the Sony Pictures -- Sex Tape movie program with Mom Central Canada and I receive special perks as part of my affiliation with this group. The opinions on this blog are my own.


  1. This movie sounds really funny. I loved him as Marshall on HIMYM, so I will definitley be seeing this.

  2. I think this movie sounds HILARIOUS. I can't wait to see it.

  3. I can't wait to see this movie!! It looks like a great date night movie

  4. Oh this sounds like it is going to be a really funny movie.I am looking forward to watching it.We always seem to make time for us some how.

  5. This movie sounds like it's going to be awesome. Maybe the perfect date night movie.

  6. That sounds like it is going to be hilarious. It would make a great girls night movie.

  7. This movie sounds so funny! Can't wait to see it. Love your story too btw :)

  8. This movie looks so funny! I cannot wait to go see it! Love your story too btw :)

  9. Very funny post! I can't wait to see this movie, it looks great. I love both Cameron Diaz and Jason Segal, they are hilarious!

  10. That does sound like a fantastic and fun movie. Look forward to seeing this.

  11. I've seen articles leading up to the movie. It sounds really funny! I may have to check it out.

  12. I can't wait to see this movie! It looks so funny! :)

  13. That does sound fun. And I'd love to have six kids, so totally not kidding. We got too old though, and stopped at four. ;)

  14. The movie does sound hilarious! Thanks for the update because I had not heard of it yet. Thanks

  15. This movie looks so funny! And at least your MIL laughed it off! :)

  16. I LOVE Jason Segel! I can't wait to see this movie!

  17. This looks like it's going to be a very funny movie. I can't wait to see it!

  18. I think the movie looks great. Maybe a date movie with my husband.

  19. This movie keeps catching me off guard, lol. Then I remember who is in it and that it's a comedy.

  20. I think the laughs could be plenty and it might be worth seeing. I'll probably wait until it hits home video though.

  21. I certainly cannot wait to see this when it's out on home video. I def think it will be laugh worthy!

  22. I love these two. Looks like it is going to be a great movie!

  23. I cant wait to see this movie, it looks hilarious! Definitely a date night flick, I cant stop laughing every time I see the previews.

  24. I want to see this movie. I'm sure it's hysterical and sweet!

  25. I think it looks funny! Hoping for a date night to see it soon.

  26. I need to see this! I love both of the leads in this. I can't wait for it!

  27. The movie looks funny. I have always liked Cameron Diaz movies too.

  28. The movie seems really funny! I do love Cameron Diaz, so I think I'd like to see it.

  29. I think part of what makes this so funny is because I can TOTALLY see it happening!

  30. This movie sounds like it is going to be hilarious. I will have to have a date night with hubby!

  31. Everyone's talking about this movie! I can't wait to see it.

  32. This movie looks hilarious, and it's exactly why we don't make videos LOL Bet it would be great couple movie to go see!

  33. we'll be watching this one on dvd for sure when it comes out!! i love JS but am not cd's biggest fan

  34. The more I hear about this movie, the more I think I want to see it. It sounds funny.

  35. I am going to watch it! Love Cameron Diaz, she looks awesome! That sort of thing could happen easily!


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