I do What With Washi? (And You Can Too!)

Monday, August 18, 2014

As most of you who have read my blog for the last little bit know I find comfort in all things washi tape.

What IS washi tape?
"Washi is a style of paper that was first made in Japan. Washi is commonly made using fibers from the bark of the gampi tree, the mitsumata shrub (Edgeworthia chrysantha), or the paper mulberry, but also can be made using bamboo, hemp, rice, and wheat. Washi comes from wa meaning Japanese and shi meaning paper, and the term is used to describe paper made by hand in the traditional manner.
     Nowadays masking tapes are widely used for decorative purposes. They are printed with different patterns, some Japanese tapes are made of washi paper." - wikipedia.org/wiki/Washi

I use it in my planner, for crafting, for covering up ugly pieces of house, you name it I can use it! But -- when I get a new roll, or five I post it on social media I'm always asked "what do you do with it?"

Well, here is the last 5 things I've done with washi tape!

5. Light Switch - My daughter asked if I could make her light switch in her bedroom fancy! Of course I can, and she chose this beautiful Mermaid Scales washi to use! I didn't create this, I saw it of course on Pinterest (brilliant!)

4. Crafting - I had these boring "H O M E" letters on my shelf, so I decided to pretty them up a little bit and put washi on them. It took all of 5 minutes and looks super cute!

3. Envelopes - I will not mail an envelope that looks plain and ordinary anymore. How cute does this look? It never hurts to get pretty, happy mail!

2. Planner - I use it in my planner. To break up days, to decorate, and to just make the days brighter to look at. This is something I do weekly, and its relaxing and gives me that half an hour to myself once a week to start decorating for the weeks ahead to be filled. It's much nicer to look at and always makes for a cheery week!

1. iPhone cord - I didn't think this up either, but I did it because we have 3 iPhone's in our home and 2 of which use the same cord, and mine ALWAYS goes missing. No denying who this cord belongs to now!

So if you happen to just have a roll laying around, or you see a pretty pack at the store grab it! Not only can these little projects brighten up these boring plain items - you can do LOTS of kids crafts with them, use them to decorate photo frames that are boring solid colors.. ANYTHING!


  1. You are super crafty and that makes me so jealous LOL. Can you come here and make me some cuts Washi stuff next please?

  2. The light switch is cute! I love all the patterns you have in your box.

  3. I've always wanted to try Washi tape. That's definitely something I'll have to pick up the next time I'm out and about.

  4. I love that you used it to label your phone charger. I am always losing mine and figure out that my husband has multiple! What a great idea!

  5. I cover things for my son with washi tape - like paper towel rolls (when they're empty.) I am obsessed with washi! (I also use it for card making and scrapbooking.)

  6. My washi tape stash is growing like crazy! Right now, I just use mine in my planner and to decorate envelopes. I want to do more crafts with it though!

  7. I need to use Washi tape to decorate my planner! Yours looks so much more FUN and exciting than mine.

  8. What beautiful tapes and so many good ideas! I definitely want to brighten up my boring planner, too. Maybe it will inspire me to get more done!

  9. Never heard of it before. But I do like it. I love all the styles and designs. What unique diy projects! I could have a lot of fun with these.

  10. i didn't get into the washi tape craze. I have a few rolls but only used them for some kids crafts. i love all the pretty designs

  11. Look at all those cool things you did with Washi. I love the light switch you coverd. Matches the room perfectly.

  12. Wow I have never thought about using it in such creative ways!! I would love to add a bit of a girly touch to my chargers! :-)

  13. This is so very cute and creative. I love the planner. I have never heard of washi tape, but I would to check it out. I like how it's on the chargers also :)

  14. Wow - that is awesome! I hadn't heard of this brand before. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing.

  15. I love what you did to your planner with washi! I have a dozen or so rolls. I need to use it more!

  16. I always see this tape and wondered what people do with it. Very cool!

  17. You are amazing with this tape!
    I am getting the inspiration bug!
    I think I will take on lamp shades

  18. I had never heard of these before. This looks awesome and so simple. I think this would be something I could do with my daughters! Thanks for sharing.

  19. It's amazing how creative you are! keep it up.

  20. I'd never heard of washi tape before. Those are really cute and creative ideas. We used colorful and patterned duct tape on our iPhone cords due to the same reason.

  21. Now I am going to have to go see what tapes I can find. I love this it looks relatively easy (meaning I might be able to do it) and comes out beautifully.

  22. We bought my daughter Tapefetti which is basically the same idea, just in small tape size form. She loved it. I love doing things with colorful tape - it's fun and creative and SO ME! lol

  23. What some fantastic ideas - I don't have any washi tape I really need to get my hands on some! x

  24. I already posted and said how awesome these are. I want to find some and I know my girls would love them. Love all the patterns.

  25. Washi tape looks so cool. You're so creative, too. I love what you did with the wall charger.

  26. You're one creative chick! I love the HOME decoration you made. I've got to get some Washi tape.

  27. I want some of this tape for my mail. It is super cute.

  28. These projects with washi tape look amazing! My five year old was just asking me about this after being at a friend's house- I'm going to have to give some of this a try. I LOVE the light switch idea, that's fantastic.

  29. So cool! I love the light switch idea. So fun! Amber N

  30. Very clever idea. I have not though of decorating electronics with it. I guess it is similar to duct tape.

  31. Such cute ideas! I haven't tried washi tape yet.

  32. I have never heard of this before. I could do so much with this I've got to check this out.

  33. You have so many awesome project ideas! I need to try some washi tape soon.

  34. I need to get some Washi tape. Your crafts turned out beautiful!

  35. Oh my! I would love to have all of that washi tape! I need to decorate my planner with some!

  36. I agree. You are super crafty. I could use that for my iPhone block too. My husband always seems to have them all!

  37. omg i have washi envy. look at your tapes!

  38. I need to washi tape my iPhone & iPad charger. Great idea :)

  39. I had never heard of Washi paper. But it looks like you can make such cute things with it.

  40. I am so NOT crafty but these are super straight forward ideas that don't like hard to do, and I definitely love the idea of using it to identify device chargers!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  41. Oh my gosh I love all of the prints! I could definitely get crafty with Washi! Love your organizer and the Home phrase.

  42. I haven't seen this tape before. I'll have to find some though because it looks like an ideal way for non-crafty people like me to become crafty!

  43. Wow those tapes are cute - we don't have it here but I wish we doo...

  44. I have never seen this before but now I want to get some! I love how it brightens up ordinary things.

  45. All of these creations are so creative! I wish I had more time to do some DIY projects! They look amazing!

  46. Omg I think I am in love !!!!

    The patterns are lovely and I loved how it added that little spunk to things. :)

    ~ Lu


  47. Oh, I adore Washi tape! I use it the most in my planner, but these are all great ideas!

  48. I have actually never used Washi tape before, but I always see these neat DIYs! Maybe I will have to try.

  49. I really love all of these ideas and never thought do so some of these. I do not have this type of tape, but I am going to look for it and see what I can spruce up in my life.

  50. Lots of great creative uses. They are too pretty to not use everywhere

  51. I love love love Washi tape! So much fun in our house

  52. Wow I have never heard of this but will be buying some soon!

  53. I've never used Washi tape, but you know I'm running to the craft store to get some and decorating all of our phone chargers tonight, right? I also like the "HOME" letters- I'm impressed with your ability to not see any seams and line up the patterns just right,

  54. I love washi tape. You definitely have some I would love to have too. lol

  55. There are so many great things to do with this tape. I love the light switch cover.

  56. I've been seeing Washi tape circulating around for a while now. It's interesting all of the things you can do with it to turn things from dull to cool!

  57. I just discovered this. We made a bow and a bracelet. It's so fun!

  58. I LOVE Washi tape. Mu daughter and I use them to decorate many things and are always on the lookout for new patterns.

  59. Those letters on your shelf are really beautiful and I also like how you decorated your planner with the washi taoe, so cute! Thanks for sharing great ideas!

  60. Washi tape is really versatile. I can think of hundreds of projects that I could use it for in my classroom.

  61. I love your planner! I really love washi tape as well :)

  62. Oh my there are so many things I could do with this stuff. I've never heard of it before, thanks for sharing!

  63. Well aren't you just a washi master! Love what you have been doing with it and I may have to get a little creative too!

  64. cool ideas! I love the planner and the iPhone charger! How unique!

  65. I'm totally going to put some on my plug now. What a great idea! I have that same planner and I love how you decorated yours.

  66. I have read and seen a lot of washi craft projects and they all look so nicely done. I've never used it myself but now I'm thinking I should.

  67. I love washi tape. I haven't done much with them I just like buying new and different ones. So many patterns and so little space to hoard them lol

  68. First of all I LOVE your planner. I want an Erin Condren planner so badly. I don't know if we have washi tape here in Trinidad, but if they did...I'd so be all over it. :)

  69. I really need to get a planner!

  70. You have such an incredible stash! I love washi tape too, but have yet to delve into crafting with it.

  71. Washi tape looks really cool. You have such a stash of that stuff! I love what you did with the wall charger.

  72. I LOVE the I phone idea!!! I am definitely going to do that tomorrow! I just picked up my first washi tape this week after my daughter created a fun bottle with it at my friends house. She had so much fun using the tape to decorate it and even brought a roll home.


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