International Sunrise and Sunset Around the World Day

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Yesterday was a pretty important day to me. It was International Sunrise and Sunset Around the World Day. This was set up by Jesse of 1 Day 1000 Things Challenge for Paul Walker's Birthday. Why? Jesse was Paul's best friend.... So not only did this mean so much to him, it meant a lot to us fans too - we could contribute and be apart of his day.

The point of this event was to take a photo of the days Sunrise and Sunset as we saw it all around the world in Memory of Paul and donate whatever we could to PW's charity Reach Out Worldwide, with a goal of 1M dollars to be raised.

With over 7000 confirmed people participating there was photos from all over the world, and donations? Raised well over 43,000! Short the goal of 1M but every bit counts, and this was huge.

I decided that I wouldn't fret about my sunrise photo yesterday because I couldn't do much about it - so I took a normal skyline photo. However, over 3 weeks ago I had finally came up with a plan for my sunset photo - On top of the CN Tower! (What the heck is a CN Tower? Click here)

Those of you who know me know that is NOT my type of place to go hang out, or even visit. I love looking at it from afar but heights? Not my thing. But, for a beautiful sunset photo? I would absolutely do it on this day, I had to!

I hadn't been up in the CN tower since I was 16 years old (September 2001 is when I went oddly enough) and I forgot how my ears popped going up and down.. 6x total yesterday, such fun. Jordan went with me as we had to go to the mall downtown to grab his fancy new Jordan basketball shoes - his Bday gift - and the streets were so busy, I didn't think we would make it.

We got to the bottom of the CN tower at just after 715pm..... I thought for sure my chance for a photo had been missed and I wouldn't get a decent sunset photo to submit for the challenge.... Boy was I wrong. I went up in that elevator and as soon as I opened my eyes and stepped off (hey, the elevator is all glass you can see outside the whole way up 1,136 feet in the air my eyes were SEALED) I felt my eyes weld up with tears. I didn't miss it, There it was - my sunset!

Breathtaking. I'm so happy I was able to do this. I paid $12 extra to go up even higher to the highest part of the CN Tower called the SkyPod (1,465 ft) which we ventured to after the main observation floor and outside deck. WORST MISTAKE OF LIFE. I couldn't handle it. It was a small space with all glass around it, and I was so scared I started having a panic attack and had to go back to the other deck right away. Haha, now I laugh but I can't even explain how terrified I was - Jordan? Almost ran off it too! So scary.

I'm happy I was able to conquer my fear to get these photos, see my amazing city from high above but I'm also glad I was able to take part in this event. 

I didn't know Paul in person, but I've been a huge fan since I can remember and his death hit me really hard. Really, hard. I'm not exactly sure why because no one, not a single celebrity or stranger that has died has hit me like him. I'm not sure if it's his work with the marine world? His work with his amazing charity? His selflessness giving strangers money to buy rings to propose to their fiancĂ©e, stopping his car on a street to give money to homeless man on a sidewalk or the simple fact he would do just about anything for anybody, I'm just not sure. But what I can say for sure is this world was so lucky to have had him in it for the years he was here.... He did great things, and even if he's gone his legacy will live on, especially if we can help it!  And YES, because I know it will be asked - I did donate again and will continue to do so.

Thank you to Jesse owner of 1 year 1000 Things Challenge for making this a day for all of us to join in and show our love! I am honored to have been able to take part, what an incredible friend he was lucky to have you!

If you are interested in checking out the charity Paul founded and was so passionate about ROWW I have it linked over on my sidebar, or you can click here. If you would like to help Jesse in his quest to raise 1M for ROWW please visit here.

Happy Birthday, Paul.


  1. I actually had a panic at the top of the CN Tower the one and only time I was up there LOL. Your pictures are gorgeous!!

  2. These photos are beautiful. I often will take pictures of the sunset and sunrise when I'm fortunate enough to witness them.

    1. I have a couple of nice sunset pictures from Cape Cod, but I am rarely up early enough to catch the sun rise ;)

  3. This is awesome, I really love your pictures and the little boys face is priceless.

  4. I'm glad for you that you went too. It's nice that you were able to contribute for something that impacts you so! Passion makes donating (time, money, whatever) easy.

  5. What beautiful photos and a great cause. I am not sure I could have conquered my fear of going that high. Most likely my pictures would be all fuzzy from the shakiness of my knees!

  6. Beautiful pics and all for a great cause. I love sunrises - since I work very early at the hospital - I see lots of sunrises. Some are just amazing!

  7. Good for you for facing your fear that way! I am not sure I would have been able to. Your sunset was beautiful!

  8. Beautiful pics! I love visiting CN Tower although I almost died with panic attack standing on the glass floor once lol. Great tribute to an actor like Paul Walker!

  9. Great photographs. I'm terrified of heights, and I'm proud of you for facing your fear for such a beautiful tribute. :-)

  10. Great capture! I love how the town is dark but then in the distance there is a bright color! I didn't know anything about this. Thank you for sharing!

  11. All the picture are amazing. What a great way to raise money for a charity.

  12. Wow. What a view. And for a great cause too!

  13. I love sunsets/sunrises. We have the most beautiful ones here in New Jersey.

  14. I love the idea of all those sunset photos. And the fact that it was raising money? Even better!

  15. Great pictures for a great cause. Paul Walker's death was such a tragedy.

  16. Those photos are amazing. The look on his face - priceless. I wasn't ever scared of heights. Then last summer we went to the rock and roll hall of fame in Ohio. Pretty much an all glass building with various lofts and levels. I am not sure what happened but I was practically crawling on the floor. It was so embarrassing.

  17. I don't have a fear of heights, but I can understand why some people do. Great pictures you got... even with your fear.

  18. Your pictures are gorgeous! So awesome that you are promoting such a good charity too.

  19. Great pictures! Glad you could conquer your fear while supporting a great cause.

  20. wow gorgeous photos I love catching the sunrise or sunset it is so beautiful to watch. Off to check out the charity.

  21. I'm not a fan of heights either, but the views from the CN Tower is always fantastic.

  22. I don't know if I would have been able to handle the SkyPod either. My son wouldn't have! He is terrified of heights above the second floor.

  23. Great post, and great pics! You can't really find anything that compares with the beauty of a great sunrise or sunset.

  24. What a great heartfelt post. Your pictures are gorgeous and it is great you could conquer your fears with that. I have read quite a bit about Paul Walker since his death and he was a great guy.

  25. Gorgeous photos! I know that tower! I've taken many photos from just outside it (I've always been too scared to go up!)

  26. Way to go on conquering your fear to get such cool shots! This is such an amazing event!

  27. Your pictures turned out great. Congrats on conquering your fear and being able to take part.

  28. Those are some great pictures. I bet that was a great event.

  29. What a great post. I really enjoyed looking at your photos. Amber N

  30. Those are great pictures. What a fun day!!

  31. So the CN Tower looks like a cool place to visit. I haven't been to Canada but I would like to.

  32. This was a fun post. I really enjoyed your pictures, especially the one of the little boy and his face. It was adorable

  33. The view from the CN tower is incredible. However, the glass floor they have is scary! What a wonderful thing to have been a part of.

  34. Some really beautiful photos! And I love the message that they are sending

  35. I had no idea about that day but anyway you got some great pics and the view on top is awesome!

  36. I so want to go in that skypod! Beautiful pictures!

  37. What awesome photos and a great view. I had no idea it was international sunrise and sunset day!

  38. I had no clue that was what yesterday was! Now that explains why so many were sharing pictures of this on Instagram! Thanks for sharing! Love the pictures, so beautiful!

  39. What breathtaking views! It is so exciting to be a part of something so special and in such an awesome place!

  40. Beautiful photos. What a great place to visit!!!

  41. What a beautiful thing to celebrate. I love days like these.

  42. I love the thought behind this. I love taking photos of sunsets paired with sunrises.


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