Flashback Friday: I Won't be Mourning.

Friday, October 10, 2014

I apologize in advance to anyone who is reading this who may be offended. It isn't my intention to offend anyone but I need to be brutally honest and say what I need to.

This is a Flashback Friday because I am following up from this post.

Almost a year ago now I had written that post about my biological father. I hadn't seen him in 20+ years and I got a phone call from his sister telling me he had Liver Cancer. At the time I wrote that post I wasn't sure how to feel, handle the situation nor was I even able to express my anger properly.

Monday night I got a message on facebook from my cousin informing me he is in the hospital in the final stages and it wouldn't be long before he passes away. I've had a lot of time think and process everything since that first phone call..

I texted my sister and wrote to one of my brothers on facebook to inform them (they are older and are from my moms previous marriage so we don't share a father but had the same mother) as I felt they too knew him they had a right to know.

My sister was busy so we didn't really get a chance to talk but the next day she sent me a text and we had a good chat. I had made up my mind I wasn't contacting the hospital, I wasn't returning home to visit nor would I go to the funeral. I made my decision and was comfortable with it. But, my very wise sister made a great point when she said I had to say my final goodbye or I would regret it. She knew from experience so who was I to argue with someone who knows.

I told her I couldn't say anything nice though so it wasn't a great idea. She told me to write how I felt and thought. So I did.

It wasn't nice, at all. I won't re-post it but after writing what I did I can honestly say, I never felt more sure of anything in my entire life as I did writing that letter.

She has a friend that works at the hospital he is in back home and said if I emailed it she would make sure it got given to him.

That night about 9:45p I got the message from my sister that my final goodbyes had been delivered and read to him.

We aren't sure his condition or if he was able to understand, but it was read and at that exact moment something came over me I can't even describe. A feeling of freedom, peace and happiness.

After 25+ years I was able to say what I had to say, and it felt great. No one could dismiss my feelings or tell me I was wrong.

Now, days later I am not sorry for my decision. I am not the type of person who will be fake to someone I loathe, even if they are sick or in this case dying.

In my opinion anyone who stops all communication with their 6 year old daughter because he would rather drink and spend time with multiple women doesn't deserve anything from me.

I was 16 when my mom died, I was virtually left alone. I'm more than proud of who I am today and every single one of my choices I have made in my life. He contributed nothing to my life, or to who I am. But there has always been a part of me that was angry and resentful towards him but now? That's gone.

So, I'm writing this as a follow up to my earlier post but also as a reminder to myself that I am who I am because of my mother, and myself. Just because death is upon someone doesn't mean I have to sell myself out to let them be able to die peacefully, I owe him nothing especially not a clear conscience.

As a sister, wife and mother I can say I have zero regrets. Jumping over this hurdle in my life showed me just how strong and genuine I am. Not only to myself but also in general. I won't fake it, I won't sugar coat, I am who I am. What you see is what you get.

Growing up I felt unwanted by this person. Then when my mom died I had to grow up, and I made amends with the fact I didn't have a mother or father. I was okay with this, I mourned the loss of my mother but never knew my father so I moved on and put it in the back of my mind.

Now, Years later I cannot go back to thinking or harping on something I never knew, or never had. I'm being real and true to myself, not excusing his behavior or putting my feelings aside. I'm taking this time to think about me, and only me. Selfish? Maybe, but like that saying goes - any male can be a "father" it takes a real man to be a "dad" and well, I never had that so I can move forward and be free. No regrets but most of all with my held high because I stood up for myself and voiced my own opinion and did so without fear or regret.

I am Free of guilt, hatred, sadness and anger. I feel no resentment. I'm not being held hostage by those feelings or lost hope any longer.

I'm finally free.


  1. Awe... I am sorry for you. Everyone has closure in there own ways and good for you for writing that letter!

  2. 1. It's YOUR blog, so don't apologize for anything you write. This is your space in the world and you can say whatever you want or need to.

    2. I am glad you have closure.

  3. Hey! I don't think you should feel bad for the way you feel at all. Not everybody has to mean a lot to you, no matter what their position is in your life (mother, father, aunt, sister, whatever).

  4. I'd say I'm sorry for your loss...but it sounds like the real loss happened a long time ago. It seems like your dad missed out on having a relationship with a great daughter! I'm glad you were able to get closure!

  5. It's so good that you have closure - no one gets to tell us how to feel and if you havent walked a mile in their shoes you have no right to judge so anyone who has anything negative to say should probably get stepping in your shoes - right?

  6. This pretty much just happened to me a few months ago. When my step mom left me the message that my dad died.. It felt like a neighbor that I did not even know died. Sadly, non of his daughter's went to the funeral but then again.. he was absent from our lives.

  7. Good for you! I think you did exactly the right thing. You did what you needed to do for YOU to move forward that's what is important. Now you just move on and you'll have no regrets. Good luck.

  8. I am glad you were able to get the closure you needed. Good for you on writing that letter, you had ever right to say how you feel.

  9. I'm glad that those mixed feeling can be settled now. Thank you for sharing.

  10. I'm sure it took a lot of courage to write that letter. You did what was right for you and you'll never be wrong for that.

    1. Exactly, it was very courageous. I'm sure it's much better not to keep it bottled up inside and never have closure!

  11. Feeling free is a good feeling. Good for you! Amber N

  12. Don't feel bad about sharing your feelings on your blog! This is your space to vent and share. I'm glad you got closure- it's different for everyone.

  13. Nothing is more important for you than that you take care of yourself. It seems like this situation, while extremely hard, turned you into an amazing woman and mom. That;s the best thing to carry with you!

  14. I'm glad you got to get your true feeling out regardless if they were nice or not while you still could. I'm sure a great weight was lifted off of you after you found out that that letter was read!

  15. I'm curious if he wanted his sister and your cousin to inform you of his cancer and dying or if they just did that hoping you'd reach out to him. Seems like if he wanted you to know he should have reached out himself and asked for forgiveness for what he did (or didn't) do for you your entire life and then let you do what you felt was right after that. I'm sad for him that he missed out on your life and the lives of his grandchildren- definitely his loss, and a huge one.

  16. Bravo for you, you are such a brave woman and Iknow your Sister is so proud of you.

  17. I am glad you had an outlet. Finally you feel fre and that is what counts

  18. Good for you. You should never have to apologize for what you write on your own blog or what you feel. Your readers are here to support you, and I'm glad you were able to get closure. Unfortunately, being a parent doesn't make someone a good person.

  19. Good for you! I know that I have a similar situation where I don't speak to my father. I was told not long ago that he has really bad heart disease and has had a few surgeries. I have not intentions to see him or speak to him. You have to do what is right for you.

  20. I am glad you were able to get closure! Whether it's someone you dislike, or someone you love everyone needs closure when someone dies! Personally I never got to tell my grandpa good-bye when he died almost 13 years ago! It still bothers me to this day and I loved him SO much!

  21. I completely understand where you are coming from. I am so glad you got the closure you need!

  22. I'm so sorry that you had this experience, but I'm so happy that you can finally be at peace! That is a blessing after such a hard situation!

  23. I totally understand your decision. I'm sorry though for the internal struggle you went through. As long as you are at peace with your decision.

  24. You don't have to justify the way you feel to anyone, if handling it this way gave you freedom, so be it. Sending you {{{HUGS}}} and light

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  25. Closure can be so important. THat feeling of freedom is well deserved.

  26. I'm sorry you went through that but letting go sometimes is the only way we can heal. Thanks for sharing, I know it must have been hard to do.

  27. So sorry to hear that you really went through a lot. I'm glad you were able to vent everything to him even to his last day and that you had a sister who really cared for you.

  28. You are such a strong woman and don't apologise you have nothing to be sorry for - I am glad you are at peace now and got the closure you needed.

  29. This is one of those situations that no one can comment on or judge unless they are in your exact shoes. There is no right or wrong given that no one knows what you went through. The important thing is that you're at peace with whatever decision you came to.

  30. Closure is very important and I am glad that you had the opportunity to get what you needed to say off your chest. Anger and the burden of hate can be a struggle to let go of. I am glad you have peace.

  31. I'm so glad that you were able to get the sense of freedom and release that you need. Holding on to bitterness and resentment is only going to hurt you.

  32. You do have a very wise sister. I am so happy you feel so free now and have some peace.

  33. I'm sad I didn't get the opportunity that you did. My father passed away last year (on my youngest's birthday at that) & I hadn't spoken to him for almost 30 years. When I found out about a week after the fact, I was furious that I never got to tell him exactly what kind of a piece of crap he really was.

  34. Bravo! I've been told man times in my life "you shouldn't be that way", "you shouldn't act that way", "you're being ugly", etc. My favorite was to say my feelings and be told "Oh you do not feel that way". WOW...how confusing is that! So I grew up feeling that everyone else's feelings mattered, but not mine. So proud of you for having the courage to take a stand!

  35. You did the right thing and now that burden is lifted. You can love the rest of your life with no regrets.

  36. You shouldn't worry about offending anyone. You did what you needed to do to get closure and really move on. That's what is important.

  37. I'm sorry you lost your mom so young, and that you had to face life without that parental support system. I'm sure it was not always an easy thing to do.

  38. I'm so sorry you felt this way at one time, but it's great that you've found a way to move on. My parents haven't always been that supportive of me.

  39. Good for you! My husband is unfortunately in a similar situation. I agree, any male can be a "father" it takes a real man to be a "dad".

  40. I'm sorry you were in this position. I think you did what was right for you, which isn't what's going to be right for everyone. My kids biological father didn't see them either.. We got a call 1 night that he had passed. I always thought I'd be relieved... not happy, but free maybe? Free of his always looming dark cloud. I wouldn't have said a good-bye, neither would my kids. But we just felt sort of...'meh'... nothing.

  41. I hope that healing for yourself can begin now. And for your family as well

  42. That has to be a relief. I haven't talked to my father in over 8 years and it's a relief to me.

  43. I don't have a relationship with my biological father... I don't wish him any ill will, but I have no feelings for him. I'm glad you are healing.

  44. Oh hunny! Love and hugs to you sweetheart. It must have been awful to have been put in that decision, and I'm pleased that you did what made you content and free :) xx

  45. I think this post marks a very important part of your life. You've grown as a person and can do things for you. When you learn to accept and move on from points in your life, it is amazing how you can feel toward yourself an others. Sending that letter to your father, I think that is great. I'm glad you have found closure.

  46. I am so happy you got closure. If he was not there for you and you were already disconnected then I can understand why you couldnt fake a nice goodbye letter. It hurts me to know when there is a parent who neglects their kids, but everyone has their day and on his deathbed he knew the truth. I am happy your spirit is clear and free.


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