The Happiest Of Summers Has Begun!

Saturday, June 28, 2014

I had planned when I took my break to come back and blog every other day. My last post? Tuesday. Talk about a major fail.

Things have been crazy as it was the last week of school for my 4 school aged kiddos this week. Now, they are finished. All got amazing report cards and were promoted to their next grades come September. Very proud mama right here.

I am really excited for this summer. I quit my job 2 weeks ago so now my kids don't have to worry about me working from home while they are home and we get to enjoy the whole summer together. Today was day 1 of that and I'm thrilled.

We got a pool last week which is probably the best decision we have made in a long time. We used to have one back home where we lived but the backyard here we never thought we could pull it off. Well, we did. It isn't huge or near the size of the one we had back home, nor as deep. It's 12x12 and 30" which is perfect for our backyard and for us. It's so much less stressful being able to go out in the backyard and hop into a pool instead of gathering all of our things, packing snacks, towels, swim suits and having to walk over to the wading pool. This will be fabulous... Jackson clearly learned a lot in swimming lessons last year as hes off on his own when he has hit water wings on... it's amazing. I'm in awe just watching him swim off. Most of the time he doesn't even bother with noodles or toys just goes around and around!

In other news, we expanded our family. No, I'm not pregnant and we didn't steal a child.. We did however get a bird.

My husband has been wanting a bird for YEARS. I am not all that comfortable with them, to be honest they freak me out but I finally agreed. Everyone, meet Max.

He is an 8 week old Green Cheek Conure. He's absolutely stunning to look at. He also has a very soft head. That's all I can tell you because, well... That's all I've touched. I haven't been able to hold him yet. He's pretty scared of us still, and rightfully so. He's starting to come around though. I've done a lot of reading, A LOT about Green Cheek Conure's and not only do they make wonderful family pets they are very loving & affectionate and they LOVE attention, LOTS of attention. He fits right in here at our house!
I sit at his cage with my chair pulled up talking to him. He tweets.. Errr Chirps? Anyways he makes noises at me. Stares intently at me, and when I walk out of the room... Oh boy, he gets loud! He's a riot. I am pretty stoked for this journey and I have a feeling he will quickly become my bird - if I can just get over being scared of him... Haha ;) My hubby takes him out and has no problems giving him love and cuddles, I just really need to convince myself he isn't going to fly at my head and tear me apart. He's such a sweet little soul..

Please tell me I'm not the only one iffy about birds? I mean, an animal that can FLY at your head??? Gah. I feed him, clean the cage and even sit at the cage with it opened hoping he will come to me - but I won't be reaching in to grab him anytime soon.. Working on it.


  1. Hahaha! Nope, you are not the only freaked out by birds. I grew up with my mom having birds, but I've never had any interest in having one as a pet. I have way too many other pets as it is, so adding a bird wouldn't help. We did add a fish in the last couple of weeks though.

  2. I actually got laid off recently, so we have been saying that we're having the "summer of fun" over here! Glad you're having fun, too!

  3. I've never had a bird, but I've had a few friends who have an unfortunately, there were mean=( Hopefully, Max will become a little more open and being the loving bird that Green Cheek Conure are to be. He is very beautiful though!

  4. Beautiful Beautiful bird. like your pool. Have a great summer.

  5. That is one BEAUTIFUL bird! My boyfriend has two birds and I always thought they would drive me crazy but they are actually really good pets. I think they do take some getting used to!

  6. Sometimes it's better to make memories now and blog about it later! Gotta love making summer memories with the family!

  7. Welcome Max to the family. I totally understand about spending more time with your family. It's one of the reason why I'm leaving my job in November. I'm going to miss getting that steady paycheck and all the benefits that comes along with it but my family does come first. Kudos to you for doing what's best for you and them.

  8. It's funny that you still refer to Kingston as "home" because I do the exact same thing! No matter how long gone or how far away or how much I hated living there when I did, it'll forever be "home" :)

  9. I grew around birds all the time so I am used to it. However I did have friends who were scared of them. Its great you are warming up to the idea of having a bird, he or she is a beauty. Glad he is in a loving home :)

  10. So nice to have a pool in your backyard. It's such a pain to have to get the kids all packed up and drive to the pool.

  11. Congrats on the pool and I can see that it will be well used and well worth the investment. Also congrats on not working and spending time with your kids. I am not sure about congrats on the bird. The jury is out until you write more posts, LOL.

  12. birds scare the crap out of me!! which is great since we got 8 chickens earlier this year...oops. they are just unpredictable and make me nervous LOL

  13. LAzy pool days are the best. What a cool looking bird!

  14. I like birds but not as pets lol. I just cant have something flying at my head!

  15. Max is adorable!! I was petrified of birds until I fell in love with a rose-breasted cockatoo. I took her home three years ago and she's a brat! Green-cheeked Conures are awesome birds and quite affectionate. Enjoy :)

  16. I miss having a pool my kids love love it and so us and you bird looks like a cutie they freak me out too)


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