Babywearing Brother

Thursday, August 28, 2014

If you've been reading my blog for a little while now you will know I am a HUGE Babywearing fan. I am also a Boba Ambassador and thrive to share knowledge about safe, and proper babywearing. Well, I just wanted to share this little story with you because not only is it adorable, but I know most of you will enjoy it as well!

A few weeks ago we were getting ready to head out to the park when Jordan who will be turning 11 on September 7th asked if he could wear Justin in the Boba. I was a little hesitant at first because Justin is turning 1 on September 9th and isn't the smallest of little ones - but I said sure, let's try it. Little did I know both boys would love it and probably enjoy it as much as I do.

Jordan wore him to the park, at the park and on the way home...

 How cute right?

Well, last night just after 7 Jordan and I were talking about phone cases and how his broke, he didn't want to order one so we decided to head to the dollar store to grab him a new case. All the other kids were in bed, but I was bringing Justin with us. Jordan asked if he could babywear him again. A little shocked, I wasn't so sure because Justin was snuggly and pretty much ready to nap himself but Jordan really wanted to and said he would be fine and of course he was. Not only did Justin smile, and bounce the whole time but he even snuggled his head into Jordan, and cuddle most of the time too... SO CUTE.

So I just wanted to post and say, not only is Babywearing amazing for Mom, Dad and Babies but also for getting siblings involved too! Jordan not only was so proud, but he also said he felt closer to Justin being able to cuddle and keep him close too. 

Babywearing is for everyone! Even if it isn't your thing, or you don't have babies of the babywearing age aren't the photos cute to look at? I love seeing siblings babywearing, especially with it being one of my very own passions! Jordan is such a great big brother, I hope he realizes how much these kids all love him! 


  1. That is just the sweetest thing. I was never a baby wearing mama, but I think that is super cute that big brother carries him around!

  2. Aw that is the cutest thing ever! I wish I had older kids to help with my babies!

  3. So awesome. I LOVE that he wants to help out in this way.

  4. I think it's so great when siblings get into baby-wearing like this. It's so sweet and great for bonding.

    1. It definitely promotes bonding. I love that he's so willing to help!

  5. Oh my goodness this is adorable! You have some cute kids!

  6. Aww so adorable. Does a good job baby wearing@

  7. Adorable! What a great big brother.

  8. What a couple of cute kids! Your youngest is too adorable!

  9. Wow. I almost passed out from the cuteness. Your youngest has got to be one of the cutest kids I've ever seen. That big old head is adorable.

  10. Aww. Your boys are adorable. I love seeing your oldest carrying your youngest around like that. It's so sweet.

  11. This is so cute. What a great big brother!

  12. Aww what a nice brother. They look so cute!

  13. That is too super cute. What an amazing big brother!

  14. Those pictures are too precious! I love how Jordan wants to babywear his sibling! Such a great big brother!

    1. I know! It's so sweet. I don't think my daughter would have been up for babywearing my son, so it's nice to see some sweet siblings getting along!

  15. This is absolutely adorable. I love seeing siblings getting a long.

  16. I love close siblings. It's so sweet that your older son carries your baby!

  17. I love love love my mai tai. Your guys are so cute!!

  18. THese are all cute pictures of your family. I totally miss this stage of baby wearing

  19. How cute is that!! What a neat big brother. That will be a picture they will enjoy for years to come.

  20. How sweet! Love that big brother is helping out!

  21. Oh my goodness, that is adorable! I'm sure they made quite a bond that goes beyond just being brothers that day.

  22. That is so precious. They love each other, you can tell in every pic

  23. That's the sweetest thing I've seen in a long time. What a great big brother he is!

  24. The pictures are so cute. It is nice that your older son wants to babywear that is great bonding time.

  25. I never had the right babywear gear for when my babies were little. Mine never fit right and my baby always hung too far but I love this. I love how you 'baby' boy is a great big brother!

  26. This is so sweet. What a great big brother!

  27. i LOVE this post. love love love. so sweet!! save those pics! <3 <3

  28. I love this. This is so cute. I couldn't ever find a good fit for babywear, but this looks perfect.

  29. That is such a cute photo! You are teaching him right.

  30. Now that is adorable. What a great bond! Amber N

  31. Oh my how cute and what an awesome big brother he is.

  32. This is both adorable and sweet! What a happy couple. Great older brother

  33. Oh my gosh - those pictures are so sweet! My sister just had her second baby and is totally into baby wearing.

  34. That is too adorable! My tween carries the twins a lot and she loves it.

  35. What a great big brother! I love that he wants to carry the baby around too. He's going to make a great dad one day!

  36. What an adorable picture! Make sure to pull that out when they get married

  37. Such a great big brother! I am glad you are taking pics to show them later (in case of the ineveitable bickering)

  38. Big brother is going to be a great daddy some day with how much he's showing he cares about his siblings it will parpare him for father hood hopefully decades down the road.

  39. I love that baby carrier! It looks like it would really keep a baby comfy! What a good big brother!

  40. Your boys are too cute! The baby looks so happy :D

  41. These pictures are so adorable! He is such a proud big Brother! The carrier looks great and so comfy for baby and Brother :)

  42. Those are really special moments that your older son will always remember. It also helps strengthen that bond between siblings. I love it!

  43. What an amazing brother! Thank you for sharing these sweet pictures with us! I love the little one's jammies!

  44. That is so sweet!!! What a good big brother, who is obviously adored by his little brother :)

  45. That is precious! I love it! What an awesome big brother. Looks like a comfy carrier too!

  46. So sweet! It looks like they have a loving relationship.

  47. Oh that is just the cutest thing - what a lovely moment to remember x

  48. These are such sweet pictures! They both look so happy to be so close!

  49. This is so cute. Your pics to accompany your story are the sweetest. Love the smiles on both of your boys faces.

  50. I love this.... we did this too. My daughter and son carried their (much younger) bro around int the baby carrier. It was a standing joke for us because little man would ALWAYS fall asleep if he was being carried in the front. :)

    The pics here are cute!

  51. I just love this! I love love love wearing my boys and if I had another I'm sure my oldest would wear him/her. This is awesome!

  52. Those pictures are too sweet! I especially love the one that black and white!


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