How I Use My Erin Condren Life Planner!

Saturday, August 02, 2014

I've had some requests for posts about my Erin Condren planner so here it is. Some people want to know how I use my planner, and some where I buy all my goodies to go in my planner.

I never really thought I would use a paper planner when I always have my iPhone in hand BUT I always forgot to check my phone. If my alarm went off to remind me something I would turn it off and usually forget within minutes what I was suppose to do. So, I figured it was worth a shot.

Turns out, a paper planner works wonders. Not only do I find it relaxing and peaceful to sit and add stuff to my planner but using fun stickers, washi tape and quotes to brighten it up really makes a huge difference!

First I will start by saying I found a wonderful community on Facebook called We Love EC. Where I also signed up for RAKs - Random acts of Kindness. Which is where we request peoples addresses and send an envelope full of goodies to the person for our planners. Nothing spectacular but stuff we already have to spice up our planners. I've sent quite a few and also received quite a few which is where I have gotten lots of items to use inside my planner.

I started out buying the dollar store washi tape. Not truly washi tape, it's more paper tape that isn't repositionable and you can't write on but it worked in the beginning. Then I moved on to true real washi, and now have a giant collection to use for my planner, RAKs and envelopes I mail out! Here are some of my favorite etsy stores for washi:

I love stickers, not as much as washi but they are super fun to add. I've gotten them at the dollar store, walmart, Michael's and the majority from RAK I have received.

I absolutely LOVE washi squares. These are "Shape-n-tape" sheets cut into exact squares for the LP boxes. I order all of mine from Kristen and her shop at Queen Bee Designs on etsy. You can write on them with some pens, and I personally love adding labels to them if something needs to be written.

Most of mine do come from Erin Condren. Some from the ECLP that are included but I also purchased some of my own premade ones from EC when I bought my 2015 planner in June I have been using. I recently discovered the Martha Stewart tear drop labels that have since been discontinued. I went out and got the last 4 packs at my Staples the other night - I love them for my husbands schedule!

These are my new found love. I absolutely love putting quote squares in my planner. Not only does it look adorable, but I find the quotes really help brighten my day if I'm having an awful day or just need that extra push to get something done. These I've gotten from the glorious free files that others upload on the We Love EC Facebook page. Which, a lot of amazingly talented people upload their adorable creations for others to use for free personal use. I just print them off, run through my sticker maker and stick them in!

QUE PEN OBSESSION. I am obsessed with pens. The first pens I got for my planner were the staedtler pens. I loved them at first. They don't bleed, but are extremely expensive and you don't get a lot of colours unless you spend even more and get the giant pack.

I don't have a photo as I've given these to my oldest son, and he is asleep as I am getting this prepared ;)

Sharpie ultra fine point pens.
These are great! I haven't had any issues with bleeding. I've found great deals on these pens on amazon and use them often.

Papermate Flairs.
NEW OBSESSION! I got these pens from my Elster Christmas in July buddy. I've never been more excited for pens! They are by far my favourite pens to use in my ECLP. They don't bleed, have all the colours I need and work really well on all my labels and washi.

Erin Condren pens.
These are okay. I got them in June when I ordered my 2015 ECLP I that I won from Erin on Instagram. They aren't my favorite but I like the way they write and the colours, they work well.

What exactly is a RAK? Here is an example of a RAK I got last week! Super sweet, fun and all goodies I will enjoy using in my ECLP.

And, Here are some examples of how I use my ECLP.

When I was working it was a lot more full. Now, I just record soccer games, blog posts, doctor appts and random things I need to remember so it isn't as full, but I still love it and use it daily.

How do you stay organized and on time? Do you use an iPhone, Android or App? Or do you keep it simple and use paper like me?


  1. I need it in writing. I know some people keep their whole lives on their iPhones, but I like to see my whole week "at a glance".

  2. I keep it simple and use paper - mine is no where near as creative as yours. In fact mine is super messy - writing then scribbling out things!

  3. Actually I have a planner around here, but I don't use it. I should, I would be far more organized.

  4. I'm just like you! I would make sure it was in my phone and then shut the alarm off! I like having a planner I can get my hands on and flip through. It just makes it easier for me.

  5. I am currently using both! I use my iPhone so I can send everything to my hubby that he needs to know. But I recently started up the paper planner again - you were my inspiration. I have a slight addiction to school supplies ( well maybe not that small- by hubby won't let me go to staples or the school supply aisle alone) Id love to know how you Kelsey's your planner to plan your blog posts specifically! Thanks for the great post!

  6. I use my head. Unfortunately that is not working out so well anymore! With kids, I need to write stuff down to get it out of my head! Love your ideas!

  7. I just started using a paper planner again, too. I found that it just didn't cut it using the electronic stuff, because things were getting forgotten or (gasp) I was double booking myself.

  8. Like you, I still use my paper planner for years. I do not see myself going digital on this.

  9. I wish I could use a paper planner but it's hard being a UPS driver. Currently I use the calender on my Galaxy Note 2 (Android) which works well because my wife uses the same calendar so we both can see what's going on from day to day.

  10. I've always been a paper planner girl. When I got the iPhone Touch when the first came out then switched to an iPhone when those came out I swore I was going to use the apps and stop spending money on planners. But, I just love my planners. Like you I can stop my alert and then I forget about it. My husband and I do try to use Google Calender and it syncs with our phone. This is useful for us when trying to plan things around his work schedule and other stuff.

  11. I am completely geeking out over you pens and washi tape right now! I am a planner addict and just got the Day Designer by Whitney English but things about getting an Erin Conrad too, so I can have one for home and one for blogging.

  12. I love your planner. Right now I use Google Calendars and a notebook, but I have been thinking of getting myself a real calendar and planner.

  13. oh my gosh. your obsession has definitely grown to epic proportions!! I stay organized by using my iPhone calendar. Anything, like this, although VERY cute, I would get behind on and eventually stop using.

  14. I use a paper planner too and use Sharpies on mine. I love the ultra fine point and use different colors for different people/subjects/etc.

  15. I have to have a planner of some kind. And now I think I need some quote squares too...

  16. I love this life planner. I need this life planner! It might be nice to get through a day without spinning around in circles. =D

  17. This planner is awesome! I love those pens too!

  18. I love my EC Life Planner! I've used one the past 3 years and I can't wait to order my net one!

  19. I don't have a planner of any kind. I keep everything in my head and so far have stayed pretty organized. That may change the older I get.

  20. I am addicted to pens as well! I love Sharpies and Papermate pens in all different colours.

  21. As soon as I read this post, I went and Googled 'Erin Condren'. I had never heard of her. I love my day planner, but yours looks like a dream to me. I need to get me one of these.

  22. You are very organized. I use Google Calendar and a pad of paper and it works really well for me. Now if it would just do the work also. ;)

  23. This is really cool, I love this. I had never heard of this before either, so I think I am going to have to google more about this

  24. I love how fun you have made your planner. I have a lot of washi tape myself. Washi squares though? I need some of those.

  25. I am in love with all of your supplies! I would love to get a like that, my iphone does not cut it.

  26. I use my phone for a lot of things but I prefer having pen and paper to organize my life. Thanks for this!

  27. I've had two Erin Condrens but found I needed more space for daily to dos. Now I'm using one from Target!

  28. How creative and fun
    ! My planner isn't that fancy but super cute! Totally creative too!

  29. I have heard nothing but good things about Erin Condren planners. It is easy to see from your post, why that is true.

  30. I am loving my Erin Condren planner! I hesitated on buying it for months because I was afraid I wouldn't use it enough to justify the costs. But I was wrong! I still jot down things in my iPhone but it all gets transferred to my planner to make sure everything is done.

  31. I don't have an obsession with any of those things, but seeing your photos and all of the fun colors and prints makes me want them! I do need a planner for school... I'm almost afraid to look though! Haha!

  32. Wow, I LOVE that planner and I REALLY need one too! I love the extras that come with it too!


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