O Canada

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

A few years ago a friend from the USA and I decided to mail each other a box of goodies - things you couldn't find in each other's own Country. It was probably one of the most fun things I've received in the mail to date. Here's what she had sent me:

I still haven't found any of these here in stores in Canada. Which sucks because this stuff was awesome. White chocolate reeses anyone? Those Symphony bars? My fave.

I find it really fun the things we can get in Canada but American's can't and have no clue what some of them are and  vise versa. Although I'm a bit jealous of some of the stuff available in the US.

When I brought up on twitter a few years ago that in Ontario we enjoy our milk in Bags. "A BAG?" People were so stunned. I posted about it on Instagram not long after and got the same reaction. I did some research and found out that the most common way to purchase milk in Central and Eastern Canada is in a bag.

Yes. Milk in a bag has 3 smallers bags within the bag of milk. All 3 bags of milk equal 4L of milk total. You can purchase jugs, and even cartons of milk. All different sizes but bags only come with 4L. 

We store the big bag of milk on the bottom shelf of our fridge and pull out the individaul bags as needed. We put them in our milk jugs and cut off the tip and use when needed. No, it doesn't go bad and we don't have to cover the cut in the bag. Pretty neat huh?

Other treats can you get in Canada but possibly not in the USA?

Well, there's a lot of things but here are the few I can think of my faves...

Chocolate Bars - Coffee Crisp, Crunchie, Crispy Crunch, Mint Aero just to name a few.

Chapman's Ice Cream

Ruffles All Dressed and Lays Ketchup Chips!

Kinder Surprise Eggs

Have you gotten a treat from over the border and wish you could get it locally? SHARE in the comments below!


  1. Woah, I didn't know you couldn't get any of that stuff up there. That is a crime.

  2. I have never seen anything like milk in a bag! That's crazy. I will have to look in to it.

  3. My stepmom used to buy a certain type of tea in Canada, when she lived in Buffalo. The brand was sold in both the States and Canada, but there was maybe a flavoring you couldn't find in the US.

  4. Say what??? Milk in a bag??? This is so interesting!

  5. How will you live without Symphony bars? I'm obsessed with the milk chocolate one. Oh my gosh are those good! This milk in a bag concept is sooooo interesting.

  6. Kinder Surprise Eggs are illegal here in America. I tried to find some for my son. The box you were sent looks so yummy. I'm so sorry you don't have those things available in Canada. I feel your pain. I don't know what I would do without those sweet treat. I love the white chocolate Reese's cups.

  7. Yes!! We went to Montreal 2 years ago and I stocked up on cologne not made in America. And I love British chocolates which cost much more here than in Canada!

    1. British chocolate is the best! Thortons are my favourite though I adore Curly Wurlys and Double Deckers!

  8. Milk bags? That would be so convenient! But those Symphony bars are one of my favorite things- especially with the toffee bits!

  9. I do wonder about the milk in a bag, if it's regional, as I am a life long Albertan and I have never set eyes on milk in a bag that wasn't dehydrated.

    I'm a mondo huge fan of the orange aero bars out right now, but I don't know if those are strictly Canadian.

  10. Okay, totally cool about the milk in a bag! LOVE that! And, all of that candy is so different, I want to try it!

  11. I grew up in Ontario and remember thinking it was odd when mom and dad started buying jugs of milk when we moved to Alberta. I'm majorly addicted to Crispy Crunch Bars. It's good to know they aren't available in the states. I may have to bring some with me next time we go on a road trip south.

  12. I do a Christmas exchange with a bulletin board online and choose to do the international exchange. I usually love the stuff I get, particularly the chocolates!

    Regarding the milk in bags - do you freeze them ever? I imagine that makes it easy if you do.

  13. I have seen Lay's ketchup chips in the USA before, but only in certain regions. The rest of it I have never even heard of before!

  14. I have never had any of these and now I have a few on my list to try next time we go to Canada! I think the first one I want to try is the Coffee crisp, wow yummy!

  15. Oh my gosh! I want milk in a bag! That is so interesting.

  16. That is a great idea sending each other things like that. Great stuff.

  17. I love those Kinder Eggs! When I was a kid we used to get them on vacation. The surprise is fun and the chocolate actually tastes really good!

  18. OMG! There's a whole world of junkfood out there that I never even knew about! Very cool post. Also... you don't have Cheetos in Canada? That's blasphemous.

  19. Wow, the milk in a bag actually sounds like a pretty cool idea! And I'm really surprised us here in the U.S. don't have the ketchup chips!

  20. I have never heard of milk in a bag. Is that just to conserve packaging? Or is there another reason people like it?

  21. What a fun idea for you and your friend to swap food treats. I can't think of anything that I know of that I would want in the USA.

  22. This is a lovely Idea,We have milk in a bag in the supermarket over here I saw some the other day.Also my favorite chocolate is the crunchie bar.

  23. Whaaaaaaat? No Funyuns in Canada. OMG...somebody needs to be importing those. They're the best. I was recently given the European chocolate Smarties from some friends. They were just like M&M's

  24. those are not the same smarties as we have. my high school (in the US) had milk bags instead of cartons for lunch,. I always thought it was the weirdest thing

  25. That's quite a few products I haven't seen here. Not sure if I would get milk in a bag LOL

  26. This is hilarious! I am Canadian so this post made me laugh pretty hard.

  27. I have never been to Canada, but my husband grew up in Toledo so he is a lot more familiar than I am! The milk in the bag thing always got to me. I would have to get it just to check it out!

  28. You don't have Mr. Goodbar in Canada. That is a shame, so yummy. I always love trying goodies from other countries. What a fun idea.

  29. I have never been over the border so no treats for me. Looks like lots of creative stuff though!

  30. We are not far from the boarder. Our last trip I think I had half my backpack full of Canadian treasures!

  31. How fun! I can't believe you can't get Orbit gum. I have never heard of milk in a bag before!

  32. I remember having milk in a bag when I Was in elementary school! How funny that is.

  33. I have- but it was just across state lines. We love Yuengling beer and until 2 years ago it was not sold in our state. Friends and family would bring it back for my hubby by the case!

  34. I didn't realize you couldn't get some of those items universally. Some of those treats look delicious.

  35. We live in america and we have chocolate similar to the Aero, it is by Hershey! Also when my daughter was in elementary school, they have milk in bags! They no longer do it now though!

  36. I am Canadian and I love this post. I always buy milk in a bag, love smarties and Ketchups! Poutine......one of my favs!

  37. I love seeing the different foods in different countries. I'd love to try that Mint Aero and Coffee Crisp.

  38. I've never heard of milk in a bag before! It sounds like a great package.

  39. What are all these things! Lol! I haven't heard of any of the things you have in Canada, including milk in a bag. How neat!

  40. No Cheetos in Canada?!?! That's crazy. I'd love to try all the Canadian goods though. Wish I had a friend up there to trade. :)

  41. Ketchup chips.. I think I might have seen those in Europe. Milk in the bag seems to have gotten everyone ;)

  42. This sounds like so much fun! I've never tried ketchup chips! When I visited Canada, I remembered how good the chocolate was. Ha ha!

  43. I love the fact that Canada has Milk in a Bag. I need to visit just so I can try that lol.


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