Five Amazing Blogs You Should Absolutely Read

Monday, September 22, 2014

Over the past 12 years that I've had blogs on and off there have been many blogs I've grown to love. Not all are still active today which is unfortunate because they were incredible. But I've found lots of new ones along the way I cannot go a day or two without reading.

Some of the blogs I'm going to share I haven't been following for long but have grown to love, and some I've read for years!

So here you have it, blogs you SHOULD be reading!

Spiffykerms - absolutely amazing. I've known Nancy for years online. Her blog has been around since 2003. Not only does she blog about beauty, fitness and fashion she also has really great reviews. She is an absolute must read.

Masshole Mommy - A newer blog I've started reading, but has been around a good while - She is one of my must reads daily. She always has great tips, entertaining posts and fantastic stories and photos.

GayNYCdad - I don't follow many dad blogs but this one is a must. He has interesting, and great posts. His son is around my oldest sons age so even my son gets a kick out of reading his site for all the latest and cool reviews, and info!

Carol Au Courant - Semi local to me Carol not only reviews hotels, posts amazing recipes and giveaways but her blog is just a great read! I love finding really cool local places to visit, and read her experiences, it's a must read!

Krystal's Kitsch - Stop everything you are doing and head to Krystal's blog. Want to find mouth watering recipes? Look no more. Krystal has it all. I'm absolutely obsessed with finding new meals, and fun dishes - she has the most incredible recipes and posts.

Well there you have it! 5 blogs I read daily and absolutely recommend if you are on the hunt for new blogs to follow along and read. I promise they are well worth it! Happy Reading!


  1. Wow, that was a really nice surprise to start reading and see my name there among some really good company. I am blushing - thank you :)

    1. It is my pleasure! I'm so glad I have found your blog!

  2. You did list five amazing blogs. The one thing they all have in common, though they have different blog types, is they're superheros in their own right. Each of those folks that you listed is busy!! In a good way. :)

  3. Three of them are regular reads for me too! I'll have to add the other two to my reader as well. Thank you!

  4. I read some of these on a regular basis also. Will have to check out the rest. Thanks!

  5. Great list of fantastic blogs! I could spend my whole day reading!

  6. 3 of them are regulars on my reading list. Great minds think alike!

  7. A fantastic list of bloggers. Thank you for sharing. Masshole Mommy's sarcasm is fantastic and Mitch from GayNYCDad is a hoot! I'll have to check the others out.

  8. I actually read 3 of them but have never heard of the others. Great to find other blogs to read. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thanks for sharing. They sound like amazing blogs to read. I follow one of them.

  10. I already read a few of these! I have been blogging a long time and there are so many more bloggers out than when I started. It is nice to see those that others love!

  11. I regularly read Robin's blog and Krystal's. I will check out the others too. Thanks!

  12. What some great blogs - I already read some regularly! Popping over to check out the others though. x

  13. Thank you I enjoy finding new blogs to read.

  14. I love that you are supporting fellow bloggers this way. There are so many blogs that I read regularly that I greatly enjoy.

  15. This is such a great idea. I think it's awesome when we, as bloggers, support each other and each other's work. Thanks!

  16. I am so honored to be listed here. :) Thank you so much for that!

    1. My pleasure! I am obsessed with all your recipes!:)

  17. I agree these are all great blogs. I love finding new favorites!

  18. I just love Carol's twitter feed. I think maybe I should visit her blog now too. Nice list and I agree there are a couple here I am fans of.

  19. Several of these are already on my regular reading list. I'll have to check out the others too!

  20. Since I'm a fan of two of those already, I will check out the rest of your recommendations!

  21. Great blogs. Thanks for sharing these. Will check them out. Amber N

  22. I already read a few of those, but I'm looking forward to checking out the rest. Thank you for the suggestions. :-)

  23. I would have to say that Krystal's Kitsch is one of my favorites she has excellent photos and recipes I feel inspired to whip something up every time I got to her site.

    1. Thank you for that compliment! ;) I really appreciate it!

  24. These are great blogs. I follow three of those on the list and I do find them really entertaining and informative. I live vicariously live through Masshole Mommy and her family. I look forward to Krystal Kitch's delicious cocktails and amazing pictures and I love the reviews from GayNYCDad. I will check out the others you recommended.

  25. I already follow a couple of them - I will for sure check out the others.

  26. I love new blog-reading suggestions. I already read Masshole Mommy and Krystal's Kitsch. I'll have to check out the others on your list.

  27. Great picks. A read a few of those blogs and know some of the bloggers personally.

  28. I spotted a few of my favorites :)

  29. I read a few of these blogs regularly as well! You've got a great list here!

  30. This is a great list of blogs! I especially love Masshole Mommy and Krystal's Kitsch!

  31. Thanks for the great list. It is wonderful that you are supporting other bloggers.

  32. How cool to see bloggers I follow too! What great choices

  33. How sweet to highlight some of your favorites. I visit a few already (of course Robin has been my favorite for a few years now) but I will go familiarize myself with the others. It's great to find new blogs to get excited about visiting every day!

  34. I know some of those bloggers! Kudos for sharing the love to other bloggers :)

  35. Thanks for the suggestions. I enjoy several of those blogs.

  36. Thanks for the suggestions. I do follow almost all of the blogs on your list. I cant wait to check out the others.

  37. I read three of them regularly, but the other two I'll have to check out. Thanks for the recommendations... I do love finding new blogs to read!

  38. Great list and I have to agree with you - the ones on this list are great. There were a couple I didn't know too - it's always great to find new ones to read!

  39. What a great idea! I frequent a few of those, too. Thanks for sharing!

  40. YOU ARE SO SWEET!!! I wish we had gotten to meet when we both lived about an hour from one another :( :( :( :(

    1. Me too! Especially because it was always my fault we couldn't! I'm just so glad I can still follow along with your blog:)

  41. I love Masshole Mommy and Krystal's Kitch! Awesome blogs, I'll have to check out the others.

  42. Recipe blogs are always fascinating to see.

  43. They are all really fantastic blogs. I think there is only one there that I haven't been to at some point. I will have to check them out.

  44. I've read a few of these - some new ones on the list too! Great list!

  45. I read 3 out of the 5 of these already. I will have to check out the other two now. :)

  46. Great list, I read a couple already. I'll have to check out the rest :)

  47. I already read some of these blogs. Those are some lucky bloggers to be featured like that.


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