My Simple Steps for Balancing a Blog

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

People have asked me how in the world I can keep up with a blog while having 6 kids, a husband and lots of pets. Well, simply put... I have a routine. Much like every other aspect of my life, routine is key. Why? It's not rocket science its a blog! Absolutely correct but I wouldn't be able to juggle posting as much as I do, plus getting all my housework done, play time with my kids, reading time with my kids, pick up/drop off for school, homemade meals, you name it I get it all done. All because I balance it very, very well. 

So I've put together my top four steps I use to balance this blog.

Plan ahead
I made an insert for my Erin Condren life planner with a whole list of ideas for blog topics. I usually have my topics written down in my planner every Sunday for the week but If there's a day I don't know what to write about I go to that list and plan what I will write. If I already have an idea in mind I use my phone "notes" and I write down points, or key ideas I need to touch on in the post and it's ready for when I need it. Even this post I had to step away from the computer, grab the baby from my husband to nurse him for his nap and I finished this post - in my notes section on my phone while he nursed!

Blog while kids are in bed or at school
This is probably the best decision for me because even if my husband is home getting even half an hour of quiet on the computer to whip up a post doesn't happen all too often. So, when the kids are in bed or during the day while at school (if I happen to have a day where both little boys nap at the same time) this is when I can get posts written I need written. Even if I have to stay up an extra half hour to an hour at night to get what I need to done, I do it - but there has only ever happened once.

Save as draft
This is probably the BEST feature for bloggers. Saving as a draft to go back and finish later without having to redo work is the best because I simply can't predict when a baby will wake up, when I have more than just a few things to get done in a pinch or if something comes up. Saving as a draft has also come in handy when I'm writing one blog post and think of another one I can save, switch over and start another post and go right back to the previous!

Don't stress!
This has been something I've struggled with. If I have a review due, a giveaway or just something I need to get post I tend to stress and I had to tell myself, which all the above steps there's NO reason to stress. I have a note beside my desk that says "don't sweat the small stuff" which is a constant reminder because stressing about it doesn't help anyone. Breathe, relax and get what you need to get done!

So there you have it! Nothing spectacular but it's how I've been able to balance having a blog with motherhood, being a wife, household duties and tending to other daily musts.

Do you have a blog? How do you balance life while keeping up with your blog?


  1. All great advice. I do all of my blogging while my boys are at school. A lot of times, I do a bunch of posts at once and schedule them for certain days.

  2. A lot of great advice here. I don't have other kids, but do have pets -- which are almost like kids for me. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning in work that I have to do for my blog.

    So, thanks for sharing how you keep up with your blog, while still taking care of everything else.

    1. I have kids and pets, and the pets can be more distracting than the kids sometimes. They always have to be in the middle of what I am doing.

  3. I have been blogging since the late 90s so it's pretty much just a part of my writing lifestyle. I've been writing for as long as I can remember. I have set hours during the day (work from home) to work on freelance writing and my websites/blogs. In the eve or on weekends I try to add ideas to my iPhone or when the family is busy doing something else. I do need to take a little time on weekends to network and share posts so I can drive weekend traffic. As that is where big numbers come from.

  4. Yes! I only have one kid but I do the draft thing. I have 20 or more posts in draft at any one time, you never know when you need to be ready. Plus it makes the work more manageable for me, I love breaking things down into smaller pieces!

  5. I have it a little easier because my kids are grown so I don't really have a balance issue to contend with. I do manage to get myself stressed anyhow though!

  6. I save drafts.. even ideas in a draft.. but I have finally gotten a notebook I take while away from home. Have also learned to not stress. I went from posting 5 days a week to 3. Much better for me.

  7. I have a blog. It is www.coolmomscooltips.blogspot.com and I am still juggling and balancing
    I haven't found the trick yet, but you are right, I work on it mostly when kids are asleep or at school

  8. I'm learning to schedule post while son is at school so I can have free time at night.

  9. Great tips! I have a blog (as well as a full time job, plus my own business). No kids yet, but I do have a husband, which has to count for at least half a kid LOL I do LOTS of planning ahead and drafting...and sometimes I take a day off from everything and work JUST on the blog. We all do what we have to do!

  10. Planning ahead is definitely one of the biggest things to learn when you're blogging! I also try to blog when nobody else is around.

  11. I agree with planning ahead, that'll get rid of the stress.

  12. I try and do posts when the kids are otherwise occupied but time has been scarce lately. I took yesterday and today off.

  13. I blog at MommySnippets.com and I try to write early in the morning before anyone wakes up and while the kids are at school and my 7 month old naps :)

  14. These are great tips. I've been planning ahead by putting my posts on autopost when I can. It helps get a lot of stress out of the way and it keeps my blog up to date when I can't remember!

  15. Planning is so important when you have kids because they are totally unpredictable!

  16. I've been at this 5 years. I still haven't mastered the "dont stress" part. That being said, my blog is a business so maybe stress is just part of being a business owner.

  17. Yes I have a blog and it is very stressful if you don't have a plan. Thank you for these tips.

  18. It is so hard to blog wile being a parent, but they are why I do blog! Amber N

  19. Being organized and planning are two important tips! I find it helps me cut down stress as I know what to do and next steps. It helps me stay on track.

  20. Scheduling helps a lot! We homeschool so I try and work when the kids are engaged in other projects or at night!

  21. Great advice! I think once people get into a routine, everything just cruises right along :)

  22. Being a parent and blogging is a bit hard - planning is definitely essential.

  23. I have to plan out my posts and stick with the plan while realizing that I can't do everything on my schedule. My kids are out of the house but I work full time so that's a challenge.

  24. I am a scatterbrain and always have lists beside me, and I mark them as I go. I have three marks for product reviews, arrived, started, finished... It helps me keep a little more organized!

  25. I put everything on the editorial calender as soon as it comes in, that way I know what is coming up. I write due dates in the title, then just change them when I start writing.

  26. These are really great ideas! I honestly don't know how mom's like you do it. I take care of one mother with Alzheimer's, two blogs but no kids or pets (except our fish tank) and it wears me out! I did find a great little helper it's called "MY BLOG PAN" by Rebecca Scarlata Keliher. It was $25 online but it is filled with such useful information and places to write your stats, goals, all kinds of stuff. I just got it about two weeks ago, it came in like 4 days and I love it! But mom's like you who can keep it all together amaze me!

  27. Stress is so not worth it! And you would be surprised how much you can do early on a Saturday morning or late Sunday night!

  28. I hit a slump and am finding getting out of it. I should be asking you for your schedule. Mom of 5 here and married (husband currently is in another state) so it makes managing a bit difficult. Love your tips, I have become fascinated with leaving things in draft mode and going back later.

  29. Balance is extremely important - getting balance can help us deal with a lot more "stuff"

  30. These are some great tips! I love using an editorial calendar and I blog a lot when my daughter is at school now.

  31. I am so overwhelmed right now because it's like all of a sudden everyone wanted a post the same week. I am trying to not stress, but it is easier said than done. I do plan on getting caught up (and ahead) and taking a couple of days off to de-stress. :)

  32. I feel like I'm drowning at times. Even getting up early and going to bed late...I still have so much to do! Thanks for the tips

    1. I feel like that sometimes too. I've got 12 billion things to do but not enough time. I get a lot done in the early morning though.

  33. these are some great tips! I only blog when my children are resting. That way I am not getting interrupted constantly and when my children are awake and active they have my complete attention. It works for me.

  34. Planning ahead and scheduling really does help! Thanks for sharing these tips!

  35. I don't have little kids anymore, but I can just imagine the number of interruptions when you're trying to write! Best thing is to save, save, save and come back later when you have more time.

  36. All great tips! I do not have children, but I do work full time. I am like you, I plan things ahead of time. It always works out in the end when there is a carefully constructed plan to follow.

  37. Love your tips! I really do believe in planning ahead to keep organized. It helps to get a VA, too!

  38. As a mom of four I live by these tips as well. Great list! Thank you for sharing. :-)

  39. I actually took a break from my website this week. It was very much needed.

  40. Yes! This is the only way I know how to operate. I work when the kids are asleep and I absolutely have to plan ahead.

  41. It can be easy to throw all of your time into blogging. I found I was doing WAYYYY too much and stepped back when I had my third child. I don't get on near as much.

  42. I work full time and my daughter is only 16 months old. In order to spend time with her at night, I try to blog on my lunch breaks at work. I also have future blog posts cued up so that I never waste my time trying to decide what I'm going to write about. On days that my blogs post (I only post twice a week) I wake up early and hit my social networks before I head to work.

  43. I do have a blog and I try to do it by having regular working hours. I am a stay at home mom so I use the school hours to do my blogging.

  44. I'm with you on a lot of these. I have a very crazy job, I do crazy hours so I always have a draft or something scheduled. Blogging sure isn't easy.

  45. What a fantastic post. I blog at night too! I love the save option too! I also make notes in my cell phone when I am out and about.

  46. Balancing blog and family is difficult but it's getting easier. I definitely blog when the kids are at school.


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