The Loss of a Dear Friend

Monday, September 29, 2014

In 2003/2004 When I was a single teen mom I lived in a 2 bedroom decent sized apartment with Jordan. I went to school and had a part time job. While at my job I met a lady named Dale who quickly became like a second mom to me. We had a bond I never ever thought would be possible with someone who isn't family, and we not only worked together but went to each others houses for tea, went shopping together, you name it we did it!

Fast forward a few years and her daughter and I were pregnant at the same time. Her daughter was a few years older than me but they weren't as close as her and I were.

August 2007 When I went in to have Ava, her and her daughter Wanda were at the hospital. Her daughter was due a month behind, but she had complications and she had called me earlier that day announcing she had became a Grandma!

Turns out Wanda had a csection and while they were operating they noticed she was full of cancer. They agreed to start treatments but they weren't hopeful.

Wanda lived to see her baby turn 2 months old, then she passed. It was the most heart wrenching thing I ever had to be apart of, and to this day it brings me to tears to think about.

Fast forward to 2009. I got a phone call from my friend Dale. She was just home from a doctors appointment where she was given not so good news, she too had cancer. WHAT? I couldn't grasp this for anything. It was not possible she too had cancer! She was raising her Granddaughter by herself and she was just two! How could this be?

I was pregnant with #4 Jayden at the time of the news and I was busy on and off, she would call me all the time but I would be busy or not home, forget to call her back Or we would just keep missing each other.

November 2009 rolled around and she and I spoke about twice a week, until everyone in my household had the flu. Once I felt better I promised I would call her back. A week went by and I was feeling better but she wasn't answering her phone.

I kept calling.

No answer.

Finally after a full week and a half of trying I had a bad feeling. Very bad. So I logged onto the internet and went to our local newspaper, clicked obituaries and there it was.

She had passed away almost THREE WEEKS AGO. A day or two after her last phone call to me. 

That's why she didn't answer.

I lost my mind. It was late at night, my kids were asleep, my husband on his way home from work... There I sat on the middle of my bed sobbing while I stare at the computer screen. She was gone.

I couldn't believe it.

I had missed the funeral, I had missed my chance to speak to her again. I was completely crushed.

She had told me a month or two prior that she had my contact info pinned to her fridge and her niece was under strict orders to call me the MINUTE anything happens. Of course, in that moment I'm sure they have a million other things going on they hadn't thought of it but I was crushed. She was gone, I missed saying goodbye. It was and still is so very painful. She was by my side for years. Listened to me gush about my husband when I first met him and she was a very huge part of Jordan's life too...

So today I was scrolling through photo albums on my Facebook and came across an album of Dale at my house with her baby granddaughter Kassy about a year before her passing. I don't have a single photo of her, just these photos of Av and Kass with Dale in the background and I never got one of the both of us either, I'm not sure why. I regret this so much. But, I just wanted to post about my dear friend who I miss terribly and wish I could give one last phone call to, as I sit here remembering her today.

Ava and Kassy.

I am not too sure what I believe in for after someone passes but I do feel like I feel her energy around me often!

Hold your friends close, you never know when they'll be gone.


  1. I am SO sorry to hear about Dale and what a shame that you missed the funeral. I can only imagine how devastating that must have been. XOXO.

  2. I'm so sorry about your friend Dale. I'm glad that you had such a strong bond - and that she had you in her life. It's so hard losing someone and not having that closure.

  3. I'm so sorry that you lost your friend. I can't imagine how hard it was, especially since you missed the funeral. I was ill earlier this year and missed the funeral of a neighbor I have known since childhood. It was incredibly difficult.

  4. Wow...we just never know what will happen. I hate that this happened to you, and to them! To that sweet family. I can imagine that I would feel the same way that you do. Sending hugs to you!

  5. What a sad story, I am so sorry! I believe you do probably feel her energy around you! <3

  6. So sorry about the loss of your friend. Sounds like you have some great memories of her.

  7. I'm so sorry about your loss. I've missed a funeral before and know what you are feeling.

  8. I am so sorry for you loss, know she is watching over you always. Hugs!

  9. That is so sad, and I am so, so sorry for your loss. I lost my best friend when I was 14, and even now, he comes to visit me in my dreams from time to time. I don't know what waits for us on the other side, but I strongly believe that SOMETHING is there. You can feel it. You can feel your loved ones that have gone. They're all around us.

  10. That is so sad. I am so sorry for your loss. It is hard that you found out that way too. Sending hugs your way

  11. So very sorry about your loss. Sending lots of love!

  12. So sad when a friend passes but holding on to those memories are so very important. Hugs to you.

  13. I am so very sorry for your loss. :( It is never easy to lose someone. (((hugs)))

  14. I'm sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a friend especially one you share so much with.

  15. Absolutely heart breaking. So sorry for your loss. I'm sure will always treasure that picture. I wonder how her grand daughter is...

  16. The loss of a good friend is never easy. You're blessed to have so many fond memories! Hugs to you.

  17. It is nice that you have so many great memories to hold onto. The loss of a friend is never easy, I am so sorry.

  18. I am so sorry for your loss. The loss of someone, especially someone close, is very difficult - no matter how much time has passed. I hope her granddaughter is doing well and I am so glad you have these pictures to treasure.

  19. Loss of friends are so difficult for us to deal with. I hope you will get to see her again

  20. Loosing a friend is such a hard thing, especially the way it happened for you. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. You're right, though. They are all around us.

  21. I am very sorry for your loss. Cherish the good memories.

  22. So sorry your friend lost her battle with cancer. You are right she is with you each and everyday.

  23. I'm so awfully sorry to hear about your friend. I'm glad you got to talk to her a couple of days prior, and you're right, it's important to cherish right now, always.

  24. Thanks for sharing this touching story. A gentle reminder that life's too short and tomorrow is never promised.

  25. I am so sorry for your loss! Losing someone is never easy and though they may say it gets easier it really doesn't you just learn to cope with it more! I always make sure my friends and family know how much they mean to me because we are not promised tomorrow.

  26. Wow, that is so sad. :( *hugs* to you.

  27. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My dad passed away a few months ago and although we were not close, it still hit me hard. Over the weekend my hubs grandma passes away and we were at her funeral yesterday. She had Alzheimer's and it's such a slow death and hard for everyone. She is at peace now. I know it's not the same, but can you go to her grave and have a goodbye ceremony for yourself? Pack a favorite food. Eat in honor.

  28. So sad! I'm so sorry for your loss

  29. I am so sorry for your loss. I am sure that she valued your friendship and it sounds like you two had a beautiful relationship. We cannot take life for granted, for sure.

  30. OH sweetie! I know exactly how you feel. I try to document everything! People think I am crazy for it but this is exactly the reason I do this!

  31. I am so terribly sorry for your loss. That must have been devastating. In time, hopefully the good memories will help lessen your pain. :(

  32. Such a sad and heart wrenching story. I agree, you never know what is around each corner. Hugs to you.


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