7 Reasons I Babywear!

Monday, October 20, 2014

If you've been reading for a while you know I love babywearing. However, Babywearing wasn't always important to me. I really didn't start babywearing until baby #5 came and I decided to babywear because lugging a stroller everywhere was a pain in the butt living in the big city. We don't have a vehicle we use the bus, subway and street car often so lugging a stroller isn't always practical or easy.

People always ask me why I babywear, or how I got into it. I got into it because it's MUCH easier to wrap a baby, or put on the Boba and go... My babies didn't always like the stroller and would cry, attempt to get out and it wasn't fun for anyone. So here are my top 7 reasons why I babywear.

Not only it is comforting for me to know my baby is happy, and snuggled against me but the baby is comforted knowing they are on me, can feel my heartbeating, and I am not going anywhere without them!

No big strollers to fold and unfold while getting on the bus, subway or street car. No stroller to have anyone accidentally bump into or have to move out of everyone's way.

Breastfeeding is so much easier. Just loosen a bit, reposition baby, and away you go. Most of the time people don't even know you are doing it! If you've ever dealt with a screaming, hungry baby while out in public you can understand this one!

I always found my babies got bored, wanted snuggles and just want to be held so often in the stroller they'd cry. I would say while babywearing there is 90% less crying. They feel warm, protected and comforted right with Mommy/Daddy! The only time my babies have cried while babywearing were when hungry or needing a change.

I have also found that while babywearing so many people stop to talk. Adult interaction win! They ask about babywearing, give a nice compliment or just ask to see the baby! It's a great conversation starter and it's a great way to encourage others who may also want to babywear!

Not only does babywearing allow for more bonding time with baby it also helps soothe baby, and attend to baby's needs faster and easier than when in a stroller. Babywearing helps babies be more content and less fussy.

Simply put I like babywearing because I love cuddles with my babies. I love the closeness, and that extra time we spend out running errands, going to the bus stop or simply a walk around the block gives me extra time to snuggle and love on my baby that I wouldn't be able to do while pushing a stroller! No, don't worry babies won't get "spoiled" or cry when not held.

In addition, a little added bonus is now my husband sees and wants in on it too. Men babywearing their babies? TO DIE FOR.

Isn't this just the cutest? Yeah, I think so too.

I know a lot of people who aren't into babywearing always wonder WHY we bother, why we can't just hold the babies or "put them down!" so I just wanted to share this little bit of information I found on LLL:

Some parents worry that a baby who is constantly held or worn will become a fussy baby, always crying for attention. Actually, the opposite seems to be true. In cultures where babies are constantly in the arms of caregivers, infant crying spells are virtually unheard of. A study in North America showed that babies cried less when parents were instructed to wear or carry them for several "extra" hours each day. THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING comments:
These findings confirm what our mothering instincts tell us —- that plenty of loving contact does not "spoil" a baby or make him more demanding, but instead helps him feel more comfortable and happy in his new world.
A happy baby is quiet and alert. In this state of mind, he is ready to interact with people. When worn or carried by a parent, a contented baby can see what’s going on around him. When he sees facial expressions and hears his mother's voice, he is learning about the world.

In addition to helping infants develop emotionally and socially, baby wearing also meets their physical needs.

Babies need and enjoy motion. In the womb, they become accustomed to the sound of mother's heart pumping blood and to the feeling of being confined in a small space. The experience of being in the womb also teaches them to enjoy the rhythm of their mother’s movements. After birth, the experience of being held close to a parent’s body helps them recall the peace they felt in the womb. A baby sling swaddles them and helps control the movement of their arms and legs. As parents move around the house or walk down the sidewalk, the motion soothes babies. Parents quickly discover that their newborn will sleep while in their arms, comforted by the rise and fall of mother or father’s chest. Lay that newborn down in a crib that neither breathes nor walks and baby wakes up in a hurry! ----- http://www.lalecheleague.org/nb/nbnovdec04p204.html

Well, There you have it!

Now don't get me wrong. I still use a stroller. Mostly around the neighbourhood - to run to Walmart or if I am alone with the kids it's easiest to put Justin and Jackson in our sit n stand so Jackson is safe and there's no extra helping hands from dad. But I would much rather babywear. I know it's not for everyone but I really enjoy it and when done safely, it's an amazing experience for both mom or dad and baby!


If yes: Did you enjoy it?

If no: Do you think it's something you'd try, if you could maybe with your own kids, grandkids or a family member?


  1. If I found the right babywear gadget, I'd give it a try. When my kids were little we had one from a brand I cannot remember and it was not comfortable.

    1. Yes! I was so glad I finally found the right and proper carriers. Finding that is so important!

  2. No kiddos yet here, but good to know if we ever get there! Baby does look happy!

  3. You bring up a lot of valid reasons. I didn't like baby wearing and found it to be really painful on my back, so the stroller option was much easier for me.

    1. Very understandable! Not everyone can do it! A lot use the wrong carriers too (Snugli, babybjorn etc) that aren't ergonomic and really hurt your shoulders and back! also not everyone likes it and that's okay too:) it isn't for everyone!

    2. I never did it either. I think alot of people do it wrong these days from what I can see. the poor baby's heads always seems uncomfortable

  4. Babywearing was one of my favorite things to do. I wish my toddler would allow us to wear him more now!!

  5. I definitely am proud to say that I did. I loved the extra cuddles!

  6. I've been thinking of baby wearing with this little one but I couldn't with my son because it killed my back. I don't plan on breastfeeding so that's not an issue either way.

    1. Proper babywearing shouldn't hurt so depending on the carrier that could be a huge factor! When I tried years ago using a Snugli and baby born which are both not good at all for baby (or your comfort) I hated it too! I researched and found proper Ergonomic carriers and now it's bliss!

  7. What a neat idea this is the first time I have ever seen these. My daughter is having twins and I wonder if they can handle two at once.

    1. That would be amazing! Wraps such as Boba or Moby would be ideal for newborn stage twins! But I have seen lots of people wear two at once when older in SSC (soft structure carriers) as well! Congrats on twins so awesome:)

    2. I regularly carry two of mine at once Rena, happy to talk to you about it any time. A little bit of cutes for you, this is a shot of my girls holding hands over my shoulder when I wore them a few weeks ago ... https://instagram.com/p/td-jmNnUnm/

  8. I've heard quite a bit about babywearing it seems like a lovely way to bond and know your little one is safe. x

  9. I used to love when my kids were in the Snugli when they were little but once they got too heavy, it was too hard.

  10. We did baby wear. Actually we miss it a whole lot. You are right about every single point. The biggest plus for us was bonding

  11. Babywearing has caught on a lot since my kids were small enough. I think it's great.

  12. they didn't have this when my son was born but i would have loved it. I was always carry son around to be close.

  13. All great reasons to wear your baby. I always wore mine too because we had annual passes to Disneyland and it was just easier in line to wear the baby, also nursing was a lot easier in the wrap.

  14. I didn't start off that way but my second and third children made the decision for us and now we are daily babywearers with all three of the children. Sometimes all three at once if we have a particularly long day out.

    I think it comes a close second to co sleeping for the best parenting choice I ever made

  15. No kids here, but I always thought it was so neat to wear babies! I'm sure it makes the baby feel safe and secure, too!

  16. I never did the baby wearing, I did the - I never put the baby down! Not much different except you have your hands free and I did not. I love that so many people are promoting baby wearing, it provides so many benefits to both parent and child.

  17. I love baby wearing! There's nothing like it, and I agree with all the reasons you gave.

  18. I never did but I often carried my babies around the house to bond skin to skin. They were always soothed by this and I felt their closeness.

  19. I loved baby wearing my little ones. It was so much fun for that bonding time. Amber N

  20. I loved baby wearing! My youngest is almost 4 years old and I miss that little squishy baby stage. My husband tried to wear our babies but it was just more comfy for me to do it LOL :)

  21. I never did with my kids and it honestly freaks me out a bit when I see parents. The babies always look so uncomfortable to me - like their poor backs are strained.

    1. I see this often - when people wear carriers like Snugli or baby Bjorn which are NOT recommended because they aren't ergonomic! Proper SSCs, wraps and slings that doesn't happen!

  22. When the time comes, I wanna try baby wearing. All for the reasons you stated above. Hopefully my future baby likes it :P

  23. Yes to all of the above! I loved wearing my boys. I wish I still could sometimes!

  24. My kids are grown and we did not do much baby wearing back when they were young. I would give it a try again if I had the opportunity. I think it is fabulous idea and is a real win - win situation.

  25. The closest to baby wearing I've gotten is using my Baby Bjorn with my toddler when she was a baby. It does relax and soothe them. They love being close to mommy and daddy.

  26. It's nice that the adults stop to talk to you, but I wonder if it cuts down on strangers touching the baby ( a big bonus too, at least for me). I saw a baby in a car seat on a cart at the grocery store. Mom was checking out and strangers were touching the baby left and right. I understand...I love babies too, but hands are germy, lol. I think babywearing would minimize such things. :)

    1. To be completely honest if baby is on my front (and facing me as facing out isn't recommended) I haven't had anyone touch baby. But on my back I have a few times, which makes me cringe and I quickly move so they know it's a no no.
      That really drives me nuts!

  27. I didn't babywear often, but did when it made life easier. Mostly when we were walking where a stroller wouldn't work.

  28. I love babywearing, and did it with my 4 younger ones! In fact, we had 2 Bjorns because my dh would wear a baby, too to give me a break sometimes.

  29. I didn't do it often with my son, but occasionally when we were out and about it. Sometimes it was easier than lugging the stroller. I held my son a lot though!

  30. It seems like babywearing is gaining a lot of popularity and there are a ton of options. You shared some great reasons to give it a try.

  31. pictures of my husband wearing my kids are my favorite. we wore each of our kids when they were little

  32. I baby wore my second child a few times when we went to the park. It was nice to have my hands free to help my older child.

  33. I never did that with my daughter, because during my pregnancy I had a lot of back trouble, so I was scared to make it worse. We always used a stroller.

  34. I loved baby wearing my youngest, Scarlett. She was a month premature, and having her so close meant we have an amazing bond!

  35. I wish I could have figured out how to manage to baby wear! My son hated the Ergo at first, and I was so flustered I gave up.

  36. Awww you guys are adorable! I miss doing that when my boys were babies.

  37. Sharing your post with two friends that are both having their 1st baby in December. Nope I was not a babywearer - I lunged the stroller everywhere.

  38. I have a few friends into baby wearing. Kiddo is a little old these days and I don't see me babywearing anytime in my life. Great for those who can benefit from it! Sounds like a fab product.

  39. I love baby wearing! I have worn all of my children and every single one of them has loved it.

  40. I would be happy to try with the right tools. The Moby did not work for me, too warm to wear with baby! Haven't tried or heard of the Boba...

  41. I love baby wearing and the whole idea but I was so nervous of dropping her. I did alot of baby carrying and even when she was in her wrap or sling I still really carried her. The first two I carried all the time.

  42. Great reasons, and most of these are why I baby wear. I think a man that wears a baby is extra attractive. My husband wears our kids often and I love it. Great post.

  43. I loved baby wearing and I know my parents did too! LLL help with our choices of carriers also.

  44. I love the ability I have to get things done when I babywear. With 3 kids, that's about the only way I get my hands free.

  45. I had a wrap but my daughter was not a fan. She was such a fussy, very particular baby. Didn't like baby toys or to be anywhere except in my arms most of the time. It was a HARD time!!

  46. There's a lot of great benefits to babywearing. I can't wait to have another to baby wear!

  47. I had one that loved to be worn and another who didn't. To this day they have different personalities when it comes to snuggling and personal space.

  48. Only time I ever did that I almost dropped my son lol I never learned the proper way to babywear. Next time around I will make sure I know how to. I don't see anything wrong with it! =) I love cuddles too!

  49. I had a sling when mine were very tiny but once they got bigger and more interested in being mobile I stopped. Now that my baby is almost 6, I really miss it!

  50. I never really heard about the whole baby-wearing thing until I had my last child. But then I was so overwhelmed by all the choices & it seemed like no carrier or wrap stood out enough from recommendations.

  51. I babywore my last 2. Had I known about it with my first I would have then too. I loved it.

  52. I wish I could have gotten into it like people do now. I suspect the carrier I tried was less than ideal and that's what turned me off.

    1. That's probably why a lot of people don't like it! The proper carrier is the biggest key to babywearing!

  53. This is a great list. I don't feel like babywearing was as big of a thing when my daughter was born, and I never really figured out how to make it work. But if I have another baby in the future, I would like to try again.

  54. I have never been a baby wearer..It is not because I didn't want to it was because my back could not take it.

  55. I did the stroller thing with my first 2 children but I think with the next I might try babywearing. It seems smarter and better for the child!


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