Little Me On Halloween

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I was going through a photo album last night and found a few photos from Halloweens of the past. Of myself! So I thought it would be fun to take a look - I didn't post a Flashback Friday yesterday so this can count as that! My kids got a really big kick out of looking at these photos of me from Halloween as a kid, so why not share with you all too! I remember all these times, such happy times for me with my mom. I loved Halloween and am glad I'm able to share all these with my kids too!

Yep, I think most girls went out as a Witch a time or two, right? I dig the green hair.

I don't even know when this was but I love it. My Grandma had this costume at her house so I figured why not. I also had a FULL snow suit on under this and mittens because it was a BLIZZARD outside!

Biker Chick
This was made out of a Cardboard box. HA. My mom's boyfriend at the time had this exact same ZX6 Motorcycle and he made it for me. I thought it was the cats meow.

This was a few years ago with my kiddos, I was pregnant with Jackson at the time - Chubby:). It was the first time as an adult I dressed up because my kiddos asked, and I will be again this year :D

What was your favorite Halloween costume as a child??


  1. What a lovely trip down memory lane for you and your kids. I love going through old pics of myself and trying to remember how I felt and what I did during that time.

    I think my favourite costume would be the time I went out as Rainbow Brite. Remember her?

    1. Yes! I absolutely do. I am jealous, I remember always wanting to be Rainbow Brite but it never happened :(

  2. I love all the pictures, but especially the family one! I think my son had the same Winnie the Pooh costume one year.

  3. I really don't remember dressing up much as a child. There are only two memories.. One involved one of those plastic masks that you couldn't see or breathe out of it.. and the other involved a favorite dress of mine that I wore and called myself a princess.

  4. Those are some great pics! I can imagine how awesome it was to see old those memories from childhood

  5. Love the cardboard motorcycle! I only remember dressing up as a princess and witch as a child.

  6. I keep telling my mom I need to get my photo albums from her house. I have some pretty cool photos of me in my best homemade Halloween costumes. Love these.

  7. Aww how sweet! I wore a lot of hand-made halloween outfits in my day.

  8. I love all of those!!! I still like dressing up and I almost always make my own costumes!

  9. What great Halloween memories you have. I like the motorcycle one. Your moms boyfriend did a super job on it.

  10. I love this Halloween themed trip down memory lane. You had some pretty great home made costumes in there.

  11. Halloween pictures are so much fun! Love that you had to wear a whole snowsuit under your costume!

  12. I love all the pictures. I really like the motorcycle that was really creative. I think my favorite was when my mom dresses all of us kids up like the Wizard of Oz characters.

  13. I love looking at pictures of dressing up for Halloween when I was a child. My kids get a real kick out of it too.

  14. I didn't really dress up when I was little. My mom wasn't into Halloween (said it was of the Devil) hahaha. I do have my kids dress up now and they love it. Loving all your costumes.

  15. Love dressing the kids up at Halloween .

  16. I need to go through old albums too, I used to always dress up when I was little, have not as an adult. A random mask here or there but mostly when I'm in New Orleans! LOL

    Great shots of you and the kiddos!

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  17. I think one year I was Raggedy Ann.. no pictures so I am not sure if it was cute or not. Love your biker costume .. very creative.

  18. You have 5 kids?! Wow, Halloween must be quite the event for you guys!

  19. this is so cute!! i dig the green hair too ;)

  20. What fun pictures! It's always fun to look back :)

  21. These are great! I so love the biker costume though!

  22. lol - the Biker Chick outfit was so cute! My favorite costume was being a queen. My Mom made me a robe out of velvet and I had a pretty crown...and I think a scepter...but what I remember most is that robe.

  23. How fun to look back at your previous Halloween costumes. Costumes today are so much different than the costumes we grew up with.

  24. Oh my goodness the Biker Chick is adorable! Love it. Some of my favorites was when I went as Superwoman and Angel Dress up as part Devil. Happy Halloween!

  25. What a cute blog post! I feel like I took a walk down Halloween memory lane. It was really cute. The biker chick is my favorite because of that cardboard motorcycle..lol

  26. You're really creative. Some of these costumes are awesome. I'm loving the motorcycle.

  27. you got some great photos ..thanks for sharing!

  28. I did not dress up at Halloween as a kid as it wasn't one of our traditions, but I love to see costumes now and sometimes I love to dress up as an adult, haha! The last one of the pics that you showed was so cute!

  29. The motorcycle rider is the best costume I've seen in a long time.

  30. Honestly I can't even remember my Halloween costumes. But thank you for sharing yours.

  31. Look at you all this is so cute! Fun costumes!!

  32. I love that motocross rider. that is the cutest.

  33. Fun Halloween memories. I remember having to wear a snowsuit under my costumes. Michigan is not a good state for fun trick or treat costumes.

  34. I think I dressed up as a witch every other year as a kid! It was a fun time back in the days.

  35. How cute! Thank you for sharing little you all dressed up :D I do remember one year being a witch, but I think that was the only 'common' costume I had. I'm thinking about dressing up this year with my kids for the first time as an adult, but I haven't had any light bulb ideas yet.

  36. I love your costumes. I remember having a colorful clown wig that I loved to wear, but my favorite costume was when my mom made me into a bumble bee. I even had a shiny gold stinger.

  37. Aww, cute costumes too! I love looking at throwback pictures

  38. I was a witch when I was younger and wore pj's as an adult :) That motorcycle is the BEST costume! I think my favorite was going as a clown because the make up and afro wig were so fun.

  39. How cute, I love all those costumes! I've never been one to wear a scary costume always something cute!

  40. Those photos are great, I love the biker chick one! My favorite costume as a girl was a unicorn costume, I wore it at least three years in a row.

  41. I love the look back at costumes! It all seemed so much more simple in the past! I love the motorcycle one the best!

  42. Awww I love going back in time and looking at pics! I loved being a Carebear with the plastic mask and all haha

  43. My favorite costume was a majorette.

  44. Geez costumes were so different back when we were kids. I love your motorcycle the most, it's so original and super cute!

  45. That green hair is awesome! But yeah, the motorcycle was really cool too. Fun memories!!

  46. Those are some great Halloween costumes. I am at Disney World right now, so I am especially loving the Pooh. :)

  47. Those are awesome costumes, i love the motorcycle! That is genius!

  48. Oh gee it's been so long I'm not sure what my favorite costume was. I love your pics.

  49. Those are so fun. I love looking back on photos from childhood.

  50. Oh my goodness... making me remember the costumes I wore. I think the pink bunny as a toddler. My dad painted my face and got me pink bunny ears and a bunny pajama that even had a fluffy tail. It was really adorable.

  51. I think going as a witch is customary at this point LOL! I used to love dressing my daughter up for Halloween!

  52. OH what fun, looking back on photos. I haven't ever found any old photos of me dressed up for Halloween as a kid :( I wonder if my parents ever took any photos.

  53. That bike picture is awesome! Cool idea. It´s only in recent years that Halloween has been celebrated in South America, so I don´t have any Halloween childhood´s memories.

  54. I love the costumes and especially the indian one. I loved the costume I made it was a pumpkin costume when I was a kid. I made it from an orange shirt. Thanks for sharing.

  55. What a fun post! Thank you for sharing all your memories with us!! I do believe everyone has got to be a witch at least once!!

  56. I love reminiscing on childhood. Things were so much simpler then, especially for Halloween. Wasn’t as much crazy stuff going on then.

  57. Wow! A real throwback photos! :) I love it!!

    By the way, you have a gorgeous family!! :)

  58. I'm excited for the Halloween and wow! great costume ideas from, then and now.

  59. It's always fun to look at pictures and remember happy times. Thanks for sharing. I am going to hand out the trick or treat candy this year.


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