Easily Make An Adorable Homemade Pen Holder!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

I was doing some work this morning when I got pretty frustrated with my small dollar store pen holder. It is small, pens got stuck and fell to the floor as I tried to grab one out so there was over 30 pens all over the place, babies grabbing, dogs trying to grab and run off... Ugh.

Kyla, my 8 year old said "I can make you a new one!" So I thought why not? I love homemade gifts from my kids, this would be adorable!

I gave her a canister we have a few of that are unused, my book of Erin Condren classic sticker sheets, a roll of Pink Glitter washi, my Xyron sticker maker, scissors and a marker.

She worked away at the kitchen table for a good 20 minutes while I kept watch as I nursed the baby a few feet away in the living room. She carefully cut, Ran a little piece of paper through the sticker maker to stick on to the front, and enjoyed picking out where to put everything. Her end result is super cute and really well done!

How cute is this??

You don't need tons of fancy tapes, paper, glues, glitter etc. She made ordinary glass into an adorable functional pen holder! It looks adorable on my desk too! I'm beyond impressed. When she was done there was zero mess, she just picked up the pieces she had cut, and the back of the washi pieces and to the garbage they went. Who doesn't love crafts with no mess?

She was beaming when she handed it to me. Impressed with what she accomplished but mostly proud and feeling happy that she did it all by herself. Something I was SO happy to see. She deals with a lot, has had a pretty tough go with school the last few years so to see her proud of something she did all on her own - makes me proud and extremely happy!

I love when my kids are crafty, and sit down and do something by themselves they can be proud of! I'm that mom who has a bin in my basement FULL of artwork for the last 11 years, so I have lots!

What are your favorite crafts your kids have made for you? If your kids are grown, do you remember a specific craft they did that you just loved? 


  1. That came out awesome. You're very crafty, mama :)

  2. She did an amazing job!!! so simple and so pretty!!

  3. We have several jars saved up for this as well as a few other items that need stored. I can not wait to start crafting again.

  4. This is an awesome project. My daughter would love helping me and I love that it's practical.

  5. This sure beats me boring silver mini bucket from the Target dollar section! I should add some washi tape to it or something!

  6. I love re purposing jars for all kinds of things and I'm pretty sure I have at least 10 with just pens and pencils! lol

  7. I love doing rainy day crafty projects like this with my girls! The pen holder turned out great!

  8. What a great project! I love that you really don't have to buy and special supplies. Everything you need is probably already in the house.

  9. You did a great job. I love the simplicity. Sometimes understated is the best statement.

  10. Super cute. I have tons of those little jars and I use them for all kinds of storage. They just don't make them big enough for my pen collection though.

  11. That is so awesome. We need some sort of storage for our stuff! Amber N

  12. That is so cute and would look perfect on anyone's desk! I love the polka dots with the stripes.

  13. My son made my a gold monster ashtray that I very nicely turned into a pen holder as I don't smoke. it's a keeper.

  14. This came out adorable and it's unique, which is what I love about hand made projects. Enjoy it!

  15. Oh, so cute. My pens and scissors are all in mugs and holders my kids have made for me. Those and Christmas ornaments are my favorite crafts my kids have made so far.

  16. I need to do that! My house is BUSTING AT THE SEAMS full of PENS!!! ha ha ah! I don't know WHERE they all come from, but I guess that's better than say... Ants?

  17. Oh wow! That is super cute. She did a great job with it. :)

  18. That is super cute. My girl loves to create but she does more of the kitchen scientist things. She's made play dough, lip balm, sugar scrubs. I love that about the kids.

  19. Oh my goodness that is so cute and it sounds so simple to make! x

  20. I love DIY projects. Pens are always all over the place in our house yet you can never find one when you need one. I need a pen jar.

  21. This is such an adorable pen holder. I'm a teacher so I think I'm going to make one for my desk in my classroom.

  22. Now that's super cute! I am going to have to make myself one of these!

  23. That's super cute and way nicer than what you'd get at the store! My kids make several painted clay pots when they were in school. I've still got one that holds pony tail elastics and the other holds rings and jewelry.

  24. That's cute! I should do something like this. I have those exact same sticker sheets for EC.

  25. This is really cute! Much nicer than the overpriced ones from the store.

  26. I really have a thing for polka dots! I could use one of those on my desk

  27. That is absolutely adorable! And I think even I could make this, as un-crafty as I am.

  28. Really cute. This might be a good craft for kiddo to make for Christmas gifts. Everyone has pens and pencils laying around.

  29. I love to get crafts from my daughter. That looks like something easy to make and she loves making stuff like that.

  30. Yours came out cute! I made one for my gram and she had it forever and a day. :)

  31. I would treasure that forever. What a great idea and she clearly feels super proud of herself as she should.

  32. Looks like an easy craft to do! I always need a place to put my pens!

  33. Wow! I'm in awe of her thoughtful, creativity. You have obviously done a fantastic job!

  34. Cute and Easy Craft, love it!

  35. Such a cute pen holder. I bet it does look great on your desk.

  36. That's really cute. It would be great for our little homework bin.

  37. This is such a cute idea! I love keeping things that my kids have made handy especially in my office while I work.

  38. We have pens laying everywhere! Love this craft idea


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