Oh! What's That on my Shoulder?

Monday, October 06, 2014

It's been a little while since I wrote this post about Max our Green Cheek Conure so I figured I would post a quick little update.

I wrote before about how I was scared of him, and couldn't really touch him or do much with him.

Guess that has changed! I'm still pretty scared of him, but he loves me. Probably due to the fact I am scared of him. However I'm the one who chops his fresh fruit and veggies up and feeds him, I'm the one home with him all day talking to him like a crazy person - did you know these birds absolutely love companionship and crave attention? They are just like mini, feathery bird children. (no not really but you get what I mean, I hope!)

 I've held him a lot, I can even pick him up if he's on one of the kids shoulders or on his perch, but I still haven't been able to unless DH is here to grab him if I start to panic. He always bites my bra straps if I'm wearing a tank top, or plays in my hair if my hair is down. He's really a great bird. At least I think? I have no experience with other birds to tell!

He seems to even run off my DH and run on to me now, it's rather funny. I think it bugs my DH too because the bird used to just love him, and now he wants to be snuggled on me in my hair!

Any animals really freak you out? How about Snakes? I cry every time I see one, no joke! T-E-R-R-I-F-I-E-D!!!


  1. 1. You are adorable. 2. I have an irrational fear of birds, so I can barely even look at the picture LOL. YOu are very brave ;)

  2. I love all animals. I have 2 dogs now. As a teen I had lizards and garden snakes, hamsters and a dog.

  3. That is so sweet. What a beautiful bird. I am good with pretty much any animal... but snakes. Snakes is a whole other story.

  4. I never wanted a bird, because of bad experiences with them, but we went to a tropical bird rescue sanctuary and ever since then I've just thought they were so neat! I think it's cool that he likes you instead of DH, even though you're a little scared of him!

  5. I've worked part time at a vet. In that time, I've been bitten, scratched, peed on, pooped on, etc. Heck, I even had a dog pee in my mouth while doing a freaked out death roll... TMI, I know. All that said... I'm not really freaked out by any creature anymore. You kind of loose the fear when a 100 pound rotweiler is trying to eat your face.

  6. Don't fear the bird! He loves you. Birds are orally fixated creatures, he's not going to bite you, he just wants to nibble the strap.

  7. My husband is scared to even see a snake on tv. Birds freak me out.

  8. Awe he is such a gorgeous bird. I am happy you are getting more comfortable with him. I used to scared of snakes until we babysat a six foot corn snake for a few months.

  9. So cute! My mother used to have a bird that talked to her all day long. It was hilarious.

  10. That is a cute little birdie. I am a bit scared of handling birds. I did get my daughter birds as pets but they died pretty quickly :-( Guess she was overfeeding.

  11. How cute! The bird is also adorable. Have a great week.

  12. Oh how sweet. My daughters really want a bird. Very nice.

  13. I wouldn't say I'm afraid of birds but I don't think I'd want one sitting on me. He is kind of cute though!

  14. He is a pretty bird. I don't think I would be the best bird mom though. :)

  15. I don't hold birds...so they would be up there on my list. I'd be afraid of getting my eyes pecked!

  16. I'm scared of almost all animals lol except dogs and cats. Which doesn't go over very well when we have to visit my husbands family farm lol

  17. I'm scared of mice. My son is scared of everything, haha. And my daughter isn't scared of anything we've come across yet (knock on wood).

  18. We have a cockatiel named Clapton. He doesn't get the attention that would make him the happiest I'm sure. But I am not a fan of spiders or snakes.

  19. I like your bird, so cute. I had a bird growing up. Snakes freak me out. I almost stepped on a Rattlesnake last month.

  20. Awe! That's so great that you are bonding with the bird now! I am terrified of fish. Sounds weird, right? They are fine in their bowls, but if I see one in open water, it gives me the willies.

  21. I would love to have a bird! I have 4 cats though, so I don't think it would last very long lol! Yours is so cute!

  22. I don't do bugs. Birds and snakes I am completely fine with. But the creepy crawly ones with a gazillion legs or eight eyes have me squealing!

  23. Aww birds are so cute. I have six cats that might not agree though.

  24. Birds also freak me out some. I was bit by a bird at a pet store and they have always scared me since. I just don't know what they are thinking.

  25. He is such a cute bird. I do not think i could let him on my shoulder like that i would be to scared. I am happy you are getting more comfortable with him.

  26. Awww what a cutie! So glad to hear it's all worked out.

  27. What a sweet bird. My toddler just LOVES birds so much so that we may get one one day.

  28. I had some parakeets and cocktails many years ago. I sure miss having birds but with all the things I have to take care of these days, I feel adding any more pets would just be too much. Yours is beautiful!

  29. Never had a bird, and I'm not a fan of snakes either. My friend's hubby has two, and I'm ok with them because I know where they are - I've even held one. I don't want to just FIND one somewhere by surprise, lol.

  30. Spiders, although I guess technically they aren't animals. Snakes don't bother me so much, I prefer not to see them, but I don't totally freak either.

  31. Aww, he's cute! I think I would be scared if I had to pick him up or anything, though. Now snakes, on the other hand... I'm deathly scared of them!

  32. Sounds like he's such a sweet bird! Snakes creep me out too. Not a fan at all.

  33. I love birds, but it would make me nervous to have it sitting on my shoulder. Sounds like you have a great little pet. :)

  34. I'm not sure I could handle being around birds. Their beaks scare me, but it's still awfully cute.

  35. So sweet! What a beautiful bird! My kids would LOVE that bird

  36. My parents have a bird (for the life of me I can't think of what kind of bird he is right now) named Fruit Loop and he is crazy over my dad, but hates my mom. He talks and says about 6 different words/phrases and is beautiful, but he really his hateful towards my mom when my dad is around. Now if it's just her home, the bird isn't that way. LOL!

  37. Yes, snakes definitely freak me out and random weird bugs. Which is funny because they are so small compared to other things like dogs and elephants and things we are all like oooh cute. lol


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