A Splash Of Color

Sunday, October 05, 2014

A few weeks ago I had to make a run to Micheal's for a planner shop and my hubs tagged along! He found a box of tie dye on sale for $5.99 and wanted to grab it for him and the kids as a craft project!

The next day he went out and bought 6 white plain t-shirts and even found one of his for the kids to dye for me as a pajama shirt! He meant serious business with this tie dye.

After dinner one night he and the kids taped a garbage bag to the table, set out all the tie dye and began their fun.

The kids thought this was the BEST time ever. They were so excited to see how everyone's shirts would turn out. They showed him where to tie the elastics and put all colors on themselves.

He let them sit over night and the next morning one by one each went into the washer to rinse, then wash.. They all turned out pretty darn cute if you ask me!

Jackson didn't want to do his shirt until a few days later, I still haven't gotten a photo of him wearing it though. But SO cute!

They even made me a shirt AND pajama capri's. How colorful and cute are these?

Jordan also dyed a Muslin swaddle blanket for Justin, and it turned out AMAZING!

I was at Michael's again the other day and different boxes of tie dye were there for $9.99 so I grabbed one. It rang up at $2.99 so we grabbed 4 boxes, and will save for future fun! It wasn't as messy as we thought and the fun the kids had makes the retro colors so much more fun!

What are some fun crafts or projects you like to do yourself or with kids? I love hearing new ideas, and maybe we can try some!


  1. Those are seriously adorable! I haven't done any tie-dye in years but this makes me want to try it again. Props to your husband for actually doing this with your kids!

  2. Great looking shirts - Michael's is great for deals! I will check the tye dye when I visit Michael's this week.

  3. Those shirts are really cute! And what a great deal you got on the tie dye!

  4. Tie-dye is so much fun! I tie-dyed some of Scarlett's boring white onesies when she was a baby. They turned out fab, and was such an easy process.
    All your kids look amazing in their upcycled clothes! xx

  5. We love doing tye dye at our house. So much fun! Amber N

  6. What a fun family activity for a great price. They all turned out really great.

  7. Aww, everybody looks like they had a great time!

  8. Now that was an amazing deal for those Tye Dye kits!!!! I would have grabbed them all and these came out fantastic.

  9. I love this. The shirts all came out so awesome and unique. It is so refreshing to see kids still doing crafts. :)

    ~ Lu

  10. What a fun craft for the whole family. This is great something for all ages.

  11. We tie dyed recently and it was SO MUCH FUN! I was surprised how easy it was and we didn't get that messy.

  12. TieDye is so fun! That was a great price on the kit, and I love all the creations!

  13. I love tie dye, how it looks and making it. My son has done this with his basketball socks.

  14. Way to go dad. The shirts look awesome. I love crafts that get dad involved. Usually it's just mom and the kids crafting.

  15. I have never had tie dye work out so well. I may have to give it a try.

  16. Nice work on the tie dye. This looks like such a fun family project!

  17. I'm so glad that tie dye shirts are making a comeback. I loved making them and wearing them when I was a kid.

  18. Those are really adorable and they turned out so well. My kids are adults but I think that it would be fun to do a project like this at a family get together some time. Something different and creative and something they can take home to remember the day.

  19. vEry nice work! Shirts look great.

  20. This looks like so much fun. I need to do this with my boys.

  21. I have never made one, but my mom is a big fan of tie dye! She still has a favorite shirt she made and still wears it all the time! :-)

    Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly

  22. I have never made anything tie dye before but it looks like fun.

  23. Tie dying shirts is so much fun, I remember doing it all the time as a kid.

  24. Tie dye is so much fun! It's an excellent way to give an old stained shirt new life.

  25. So cute! I used to love to tie dye. I'll have to do this with my boys.

  26. Love it, I'm sure the kids had a blast too!

  27. I love doing tie dye! Here in TN we actually have a festival every year called Tie Dye fest! It's at a campground where familes come for 3 days of camping, local bands and vendors, and of course Tie-Dying, it's So fun!

  28. Such a great project. I've been tye-dying since I was a kid. I had no idea kids were still interesting it it. They all looks great.

  29. Tie dye shirts are so much fun! I love making them Amber N

  30. They came out awesome! I love that your husband was so very serious about this project. I feel deprived, I've never tie dyed anything in my life.

  31. I have four kids and I think we'd have a great time doing this together! We've only tie dyed things at birthday parties in the past, but never at home.

  32. Whoa now that is totally creative - and it looks really great - awesome!

  33. We had a girl's party and made tye die shirts last year! It was awesome! My daughter had a lot of fun, but doesn't like to wear her shirt. I can't figure out why. I think its awesome!


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