Terrible Twos? They Lied.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

 Terrible twos they said. They'd be awful, it's a terrible time they said. Well, They Lied. At least to me.

None of my kids, all 5 who have passed the age of two dealt with "terrible twos" none of them. 0/5.

What they don't tell you, and by they I mean everyone who has passed the age of two - is that age three? BEYOND WORDS what they said terrible twos would be. No, I'm not saying this happens with every child. Every child is different - and I'm sure it has a lot to do with personality, and who knows what else. It didn't happen with all mine so you may skip the phase completely.

Beyond words? Okay, that may be a little exaggeration but let me tell you - terrible threes are very real and sometimes aren't fun. Ava and now Jackson had the "terrible three" phase. Not 24/7 but had moments when I just really couldn't believe these children were mine. They had to have been switched out for lookalikes!

Thankfully, it doesn't last long and when it's all over and done with you can let a huge sigh of relief out BUT - during this wonderful time it can be trying.

Jackson just turned three in May. Terrible threes hit in September. Like I said not 24/7 but the majority of the day is spent redirecting, explaining why we don't do something, putting things back, having things thrown at us (like yesterday, wet leaves! Yes!!!) while he giggles with glee. Because wet leaves in your hair is pretty funny!

Just remember: It doesn't last forever. It is a phase, and I promise - it's not as bad as it seems.

I'm one of those moms who is a firm believer "NO!" Doesn't really work. So I try to redirect, show them what they can do/play with instead of what they can't. After all who really likes being told no? Especially being told no with no other options, right?

Some days we don't have to deal with any of the terrible three's, other days it can be very frustrating.

Jackson reminds me so much of Ava during this time. He's so sweet, small, curious, adventurous and just being a little kid. So I get it, I sympathize. This isn't my first rodeo. I am told I was the exact same way, as are most kids this age!

They lied about terrible twos, or they are mistaken. None of my kids had it. 0/5 but terrible threes? 2/5 went through the stage. So while you may have hit the two stage and thought "wow, this is a breeze!" - Just wait. Three's may be the time.

My advice to anyone who is about to hit the three stage, or who is going through it - BREATHE. It does get better, and doesn't last long. The light at the end of my tunnel? Ava. She went through the exact same as Jackson, and she's come out of it just fine. She still has a feisty attitude, which I should just attribute to her being my daughter but other than that - we all survived and lived to tell the tale. 
Breathe. Redirect & You too will see the light at the end of the tunnel. They are only so small for so long.. Enjoy it while you can! This too shall pass.

Did your kids ever have a terrible twos or threes phase? or if you aren't a parent, did anyone else you know go through it?


  1. No kids here, but one of my friends who has six like you do was telling me just the other day that three was the hardest age for her with all of her kids!

  2. Haha! My kids are grown and never did the terrible two's but you are so right three's can be trying at times. My daughter is now getting ready to have twins! I can't even imagine trying to deal with two the exact same age!

  3. I haven't had terrible two's yet with mine. Three was not fun, but I've found five has been the worst so far. What is it with kids gettin' all lippy and having their own ideas?! ;)

  4. My son didn't have the terrible two's at all but then he was an only child so he got a lot of attention.

  5. My kids would skip past the terrible 2's and go to the 3's.. I wonder why no one told me about the terrible 7's!

  6. I couldn't agree more!!! We NEVER had any issues with 2s. But the 3s were AWFUL!!!

  7. I agree, with my son he was okay at 2. When he turned 3 we had a lot meltdowns thankfully it didn't last long.

  8. I have to agree, my sons hit those terrible twos when they were three. It was rough at times but we all got through it and it couldn't have been that bad because I don't really have a memories that stand out about it.

  9. My oldest had the "terrible threes" and my youngest who is two has her moments, we call them the "sour patch kid moments" because she will do something sneaky then turn back into our sweetheart.

  10. If I remember correctly, my daughter's terrible 3's were much worse than terrible 2's. But she's still spunky!

  11. I don't remember what age my youngest went through the terrible 2s but it was even close the what we're dealing with at 17. I'm trying to remember that this too shall pass...

  12. My daughter had the "terrible threes" as well. It was much worse than the twos!

  13. My little one went through the terrible twos and he got into everything. Luckily we all survived unscathed.

  14. The threes are worse! Definitely! I just know that I am glad we are all past that point. Amber N

  15. for us it was terrible threes for sure. we let our guard down because twos were so great and wham!!!

  16. My son had terrible threes, but my daughter feels like it started at birth and hasn't stopped. So there's that. LOL!

  17. I totally agree, at least for my girls. Two was a cake-walk, but they got so frustrated at three. My toddler is medium whiny at two and three. :)

  18. Thank goodness my kids didn't have the terrible twos or threes. My son did have moments where he would be stubborn but it didn't last long. I have friends who did go through it though and it can be rough. lol

  19. Oh, just wait until they're teenagers! You haven't seen anything yet!!

  20. I don't know anyone who had experiences but I guess I wouldnt imagine if it happened to be.. its going to be hard to deal with such.

  21. Those 3's were so hard on us. Then we had a nice break and then the terrible 10's set in. It's a vicious up and down cycle, I tell ya lol.

  22. Oh they most definitely lied. I still have yet to experience it myself. My toddler is heading on 3 and her two's was almost perfect.

  23. My 2.5yo has an awful stubborn temper (shouting, legs stomping, the whole drama!), but my 5yo has always been quite chilled! It all depends on the child :)

  24. My son JUST turned two. I hope to be as lucky as you!

  25. "Breathe" -- such a simple but seriously wonderful piece of parenting advice. :) Thanks for sharing!

  26. This was so interesting to read! I don't have kids yet but loving hearing moms' perspectives.

  27. I wish "they" would stop calling it the terrible twos. I enjoyed all my kids at that age, it's the best age in my opinion. My youngest is 3, and he's tough to handle, but still so sweet.

  28. It depends on the child if they're a part of the "terrible twos", not everyone is the same.

  29. My girl is going through right now. And she's NOT even 2!!!

  30. I honestly can remember if they had terrible twos but they did have the terrible teens. FYI that comes in phases as well.

  31. I didn't have any of the Terrible Two's with my 2's either. I didn't get terrible 3's. I did get trying teens, but they were still good kids. :)

  32. I missed kiddo terrible 2. I heard it wasn't so bad. I was around for 3 but it wasn't until 4 that it really started to get rough. Poor kid. She was a late bloomer ;)

  33. My daughter definitely didn't have terrible twos. Even at 3, she hasn't been bad!

  34. I don't have kids - but I have heard some stories from friends when there kids are going through those stages. x

  35. My son didn't have the terrible 2's either. I think we are lucky! :)

  36. I was luck my two children did not - my good friend had two daughters that were unbelievable when they were 2.

  37. My son is two now and is pretty sweet. He is mischievous in nature, but I think terrible 3s are VERY real!!

  38. Such a sweet post. All kids are different and some of it depends on the attitude of the people they are around all day. Thanks for sharing.

  39. Ha! I can definitely relate to this. I'm 2/3 so far. And 3 isn't there yet! Yikes!

  40. My kids seem to have different phases. My daughter didn't' have the "terrible' phase that people think of until around age 4!

  41. My children never hit the terrible two... it was always 3 for us. When they turned three the crazy took over and the tantrums came. I found the "123 Magic" book very helpful.

  42. I totally agree with you! I have 5 kids and the two's were never bad. I'd say three, four and five were more difficult. But I'm sure it's just because they are growing, learning and becoming more independent... becoming little people who have an opinion. It's cool :)


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