5 Ways I'm Preparing My Kids For Back-To-School!

Monday, August 25, 2014

School hasn't started for us yet. It starts Sept 2nd ( we get out at the end of June and always go back in Sept ) None of my kids are excited to go back so it's been a bit of a struggle. While Jordan is bordering on being SUPER EXCITED and SUPER NERVOUS for starting grade 6, having a locker etc the others? Couldn't care less and want to stay home.

 So here are some of the tricks I've been trying these last 2 weeks before school starts up...

New hair cuts for school!
5. Shop for back to school - the only reason they get excited for back to school items is because I get them involved and let them basically pick everything out themselves!

4. Let them Choose hair styles and Cuts - I took them last week to get their hair done and let them Choose what they wanted. Jordan chose a small trim, Kyla wanted bangs, Jayden's was a wee bit short but suits him and Ava couldn't exactly get much done because her hair is soooo curly and crazy, but she got her bangs cut and a good trim!

3. Get them back on an earlier schedule with our back to school bedtime routine. During the school year if we have good bedtimes we bring back our Family Movie Nights on the weekends with treats of their choice. So we've started this again, this past weekend we had our first back to school movie night. Kids got to pick their treats & stay up later. We get to do these every weekend when we have smooth bedtimes during the week, which can sometimes be EXTREMELY hard especially after a summer of somewhat later, scattered bedtimes. (much different than our week night family movie nights, which they too love during the summer!)

2. Discuss all the fun, good things that happened the previous year - they've had a rough go with schools. Hoping with the coming of a new principal in September in this school they've been in since March will be the little change they need to make it better. Discussing it all and reminding them how we deal with issues appropriately seems to help re-assure them things will be just fine!

1. New year, new grades, new duds, new friends, how exciting? The last thing I'm doing is encouraging and trying to make going back to school as fun and stress free as possible. I remember how nervous I always was, and how much stress it put on me. So I'm trying as best I can, and as much as I can to alleviate that for them and make the most of this exciting, nerve wrecking and probably scary time!

Do you have any tips? If your kids are just starting school, veterans or long out of school what helped prepare your kids for the big day?


  1. My oldest is a-okay, but my little man, who is going into 2nd grade struggles more than his big brother, so I have been talking to him about it a lot. Fingers crossed for his first day back on Weds.

  2. This is the first summer I've been home with them, so while I love them, I'm ready for school to start.

  3. My daughter was super excited to go back to school and boy am I glad because she started a new school and in a new state. It could have been a big scary ordeal. I definitely agree with the bedtime routine, super important.

  4. I can't believe the end of summer has come around so quickly! I don't have children so no back to school prep here, but definitely a lot going on around me :) x

  5. That's about the regimen I follow. I have started the bedtime routines and am done shopping

  6. My kids love choosing new shoes. They wear uniforms so no joy in choosing clothes.

  7. My Daughter is grown and my Grandkids range from college down to preschool. When my Daughter was young, we used to make sure she started going to bed early about 2 weeks before school started.

  8. I like to get my kids involved in the excitement of choosing their new clothing. I also take them by the school at least once so they get the idea of where they are gong again and so forth. My youngest needs some scaffolding so we give her support with transitions.

  9. My daughter is going to be starting kindergarten in about a week. I can't believe it!

  10. I love that you do something special on the weekends like that. You're doing so many great things smooth out the transition.

  11. We tried to start going to bed earlier and waking up earlier too, and the night before made a check-list for my big one to fill out, which is so up her alley, she loved it and was ready for a great day.

  12. Mine started preschool this year. Appreciate that you're taking their stress levels into consideration!

  13. I remember this well. The last couple of weeks before school is a mad rush to get everything finished. Haircuts, school clothes, physicals for any sports etc.

  14. Trying to do everything the night before sounds easy in theory, but I never stay up late enough to make it work! Thanks for the ideas!

  15. Sounds like you've got it going on! School is already back in session here, thank goodness! LOL

  16. Great tips, and it makes me miss having kids young enough to go back to school!

  17. We've had to readjust bedtime the past couple of weeks, which means adjusting dinner and bath times, as well. It's not fun, but necessary!

  18. This is a really great way to prep for back to school, thanks for the ideas.

  19. We are going to a new school so strees is an understatement. Learning all the rules before hand is a good idea

  20. Letting kids pick their backpack, clothes, and hair (as much as possible) always seemed to get them more excited for school. Adjusting bedtime was the worst though!

  21. I started shopping for back to school earlier in the summer. I don't like to leave everything until the last minute.

  22. My oldest is always ready to go back because he misses his friends. My youngest will be home schooled so I do not have to prepare him as we do year round school.

  23. These are great tips. It is so hard to get back into the routine sometimes!

  24. We go back next week. I tricked my son into getting back into the school routine by signing him up for summer camp this week. He is out the door so early for camp that next week getting up for school will seem like sleeping in.

  25. Very great tips! Our kids went back last week on Wednesday, it's such a chaotic time for parents as well as kids!

  26. My two daughters will be heading to school this year! My 5 year old is very excited but doesnt realize how fun it will be for her!

  27. These are some great tips! I know I'm a little nervous because my daughter has her first year of preschool starting on Wednesday! Children grow up too fast!

  28. Love the list. I never really lose the bedtime routine. Mainly because I have two under three that don't care that it's "summer vacation". I'm so excited that my son has the opportunity to make new friends. Yay him! :)

  29. What a great list! My kiddos still have a week before they head back to school. I will be trying this list!

  30. These are great tips. We go back next week as well. I am a teacher, so I'm in this week. It always helps when parents take an active role in their children's schooling...it makes it so much easier on them and a whole lot more successful.

  31. I really like these ideas. I especially think getting them involved with the BTS shopping is the best idea!

  32. We make sure we have all the supplies we need. Other than that, we just sort of jump back into the routine.

  33. These are a lot of great tips. I home school - but a few of these still apply to us.

  34. My kids have kept their same bed time. The problem is my son's new school starts super early. I'll need to be pushing their bedtime up even more. Too bad they don't think you can sleep when the sun is out! LOL!

  35. Great tips. The schedule and reliving the good memories of the last year are the two best tips. Get them used to going to bed, and get them used to remembering that school can be fun.

  36. I bribed with kids with new school supplies.. It worked pretty well.. As homeschoolers we don't really do the whole "back to school shopping" like most.

  37. These are great tips. We all know that kids hate going back to school, but as parents, we can mitigate that with a little strategy.

  38. I love all of your tips and ideas. I bet they are very successful in getting everyone back on track. My kids are no longer kids but I know that when they reached a certain age, participation in sport was a very motivating factor for them.

  39. I always try to keep back to school time as positive as possible. My son is crabby enough about it for the whole family!

  40. The bedtime issue was always a big one for us... our mom always had us sleeping early starting a week before school started to make sure we wouldn't be staying up late during school days.

  41. Back to school time can be tough for many. My daughter loves it, but we always have a tough time with getting back to an earlier bedtime.

  42. These are some great tips. My nephew is heading back to school for first grade and is dreading it. He would rather stay home and play with LEGOs for another month!

  43. Having EXTRA school supplies is important. We always seem to be running out at the worst time

  44. It's really important to get your kids back on a schedule before school starts. That way, they're used to bed time before school starts.

  45. We go back to school next week--thanks for reminding me that I need to schedule their haircuts!

  46. My kids have already gone back, but that back to school bedtime was a killer! It actually ended up being a total bust & finally went off without a hitch on the night before school.

  47. Letting kids have a say in their school supplies, backpacks and outfits helps them get more excited! A back to school hair cut is also a great way to get them pumped for the school year.

  48. I love back to school time. It just seems so fun, and the kids are usually so excited.

  49. I think bts shopping really gets them excited. They can't wait to use their new crayons and pencils and really look forward to getting to do that.

  50. Kiddo goes back to school Tuesday. Right now she is excited because it looks like she is going to be living here with her father and I during the week. So, there is a lot of prep working going on for us this week.

  51. I can't believe it's already back-to-school time! Sounds like you're ready for the school year to start. :)

  52. I like that you let them choose their own hairstyles. My mom always gave me the bowl cut. It was not pretty. ;)

  53. We have two days left of Summer and I'm trying to go with the flow. It's usually harder on me than them lol

  54. Choosing hairstyles and cuts is so important! It gives them a sense of ownership and as my MIL once told me " Don't worry its only kid- hair"

  55. Love the idea of them getting to choose their hair cuts! Hope they are loving this year of school!

  56. i can't get my kids invilved in every step of back to school shopping. I need some control over when it comes to spending money and choosing things to hopefully last a school year

  57. We've been in school for a week. It's kind of bittersweet.

  58. These are great tips. Especially the one about moving bed time. Cranky, tired kids on new routines are not a winning combination.

  59. No kids here, but I like seeing all of the back to school photos every one else is posting. The best tip I saw was making a routine for both morning and evening on school days.

  60. My oldest has always been easy to let go and she loves school. I was worried about my 4-year-old starting preschool since she has been home with me from day one, but she has been great. Loves going and just walks right into her room, often forgetting to give me a hug and kiss before she leaves, lol

  61. Sounds like you're doing a great job with back to school. We usually start getting the kids to bed earlier and earlier until they are used to it so when school starts back they aren't in shock.

  62. My kids did very well when they went back earlier this month. Everyone was excited to go and still are - surprisingly

  63. Get those kids ready! It's so hard, but nice to get that back in routine. Amber N

  64. I think including them in purchasing supplies etc gets them excited about the new year!

  65. What a great back to school list. Love the hair cut idea! We make a list of lunch ideas for the week and let them choose what they want and they can make it,too. Have a great year!

  66. My kids are older but my biggest tip is to have the kids go to bed earlier the week before school starts. You don't want the kids to wake up exhausted on the first day of school.

  67. I like your strategy to remind them of the fun from last year. I think that definitely helps reduce anxiety and give a positive outlook.

  68. That's great! My oldest is off to a great start at school, and we're excited!

  69. I love that you give them choices. I am sure it is easier when they feel involved and like they have a say and are a part of it. :)

  70. I love back to school time even though my kids are homeschooled.

  71. these are perfect, I could make use of these in the future.

  72. I think it is important to have down time during the school year and up time during the summer.

  73. These are great ideas! We usually start getting the kids on their school schedules a couple weeks before school starts. And I think it's a great idea to let the kids choose things like their hair, clothes, etc. That makes them feel like their ideas matter.

  74. I remember how it felt like on the first day. A parent really needs to be reassuring enough to make sure the kid doesn't cry for them every 5 minutes

  75. My kids went back weeks ago. Hard to believe it's already time for back to school.

  76. Great tips!! Man, I can't believe back to school is really here. Where does the time go?

  77. This sounds like everything I would have with my family before I got ready to go to school. I always loved picking out my own hair cut before school started too.


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