My Top 10 Reasons Having a Big Family Rocks!

Saturday, August 09, 2014

10. Never a dull moment - Ever. There's always someone telling a story, a joke or scaring someone. Pranks? Oh boy, forget about it... It's always something 'round these parts!

9. No one can EVER say they are bored - How can they? There's endless amounts of fun to be had, and games to be played without needing more players!

8. Protection - Always someone to watch out for one another - Having a bad day? Need someones advice? Need help with a friend situation? Have no fear, someone is always here to give advice or offer an ear!

7. Hands - Lots of helping hands - Need help putting away groceries or laundry? What about picking up toys, or tidying the books? Baking with mom, or cooking with dad? How about working as a team to get jobs done quicker? Lots of little willing hands ready to help!

6. Busy - Always running around! - Always something going on somewhere in the house, and backyard. There's schedules and routines for a reason, there's lots of us so we are kept busy! 

5. Never lonely - Although sometimes we may feel lonely, there's ALWAYS someone around and loving us. No matter what.

4. Noise - It's never quiet, ever. Although this may not be good news for some, I thrive on the noise. It is home, and makes my heart feel full. The kids love it too, they know that we are all always around, and this is a comfort to them.

3. Hugs & Kisses galore - Can't turn a corner without someone running at me for hugs and kisses! This, makes me melt! Kids giving each other hugs, and we often hear them high fiving and shaking hands!

2. Laughter - Lots and Lots of laughter - Music to my ears. The sounds of  giggles and belly laughs always fill the rooms..

1. Love - Endless amounts of LOVE. No matter what, we all love each other and are forgiving, caring, and there for each other. At the end of the day, nothing else matters but family.

While I understand all of these can apply to any and all families, these are just some reasons that our big family rocks! Smaller families don't love less, laugh less or care less... We just do things a bit differently because there's so many of us, but at the end of the day.. Family, regardless of size is all that matters!

 What are your favorite reasons your family ROCKS - no matter the size?


  1. Love is such a wonderful thing. We have been a part time family for many years as kiddo is only with us on weekends (step daughter) and we have not been able to have children of our own. Her love and laughter is what keeps us going through our hardest parts of our weeks.

  2. What a beautiful post! And your family picture above is too precious. I love how the little one in the middle is holding on to his sisters.

  3. I always love to see big families in action, especially around the holidays. I had a friend who's house looked like a kid convention at holiday time.

  4. I've only got 2 kids but I love how they have changed my life in such a positive way and made me a better person. When I first saw your picture, I thought you must never have a shortage of hugs and kisses and cuddles!

  5. These are all great reasons! I am the oldest of four and always knew that I wanted a small family myself. I have one child and it's perfect for us. To each their own! :)

  6. Love and a dull moment definitely feature high on my list!

  7. What a great post. I am the fifth of six, and there was definitely lots of laughs and lots of love.

  8. Well those are great reasons. I have 4 and totally feel the same way you do. :)

  9. Part of me thinks that I would like to have a big family. I love the idea of all the laughter!

  10. Hugs and Kisses Galore and Endless love are still pretty great reasons. No matter how many kids I have, I think there would be someone bored at some point though. lol

  11. Those are all great reasons. I have one child and wish I would have started having children younger.

    Michelle F.

  12. I came from a big family and I agree with you. There are so many benefits to it. And lots of great memories. I only have two children but our family does laugh and love just as much. ;)

  13. These are great reasons. We only have 3 kids but can say most of those things about our family too.

  14. We have just enough room and time for 3, so they're the perfect number for our family. Some days it feels like there are a lot more of them running around. :)

  15. I'm guessing you got tons of comments about your big family. I can't see any reason why you wouldn't love having all those cuties around!

  16. There are days when I think I would love to add more children :) Thanks for showing us how much they are loved!

  17. wow your family is amazing. We have 3 kids and I sometimes wonder if I could do another,

  18. Those are some of the same reasons i love my 3. I feel like a big family some days too.

  19. I'm totally envious of your big family. Hubby and I want one as well for all the reasons stated, but it isn't coming through for us. Still trying with the help of doctors, fingers crossed! My HUSBAND rocks because it has been so supportive through our journey to become a big family.

    1. Good luck on your journey! I know it's hard... my cousin and his wife are going through the same thing.

  20. I'm happy with 2 kids right now.. but hoping we can have a 3rd soon. I don't think I could handle anymore after 3! LOL

  21. I came from a small family and have a small family. I think having a big family would be amazing and your reasons are great.

  22. I came from an only child household and I have to say sometimes I feel like i missed out on a lot of things. Especially when it comes to relating to people who have siblings. I don't understand their struggle sometimes. I love this list though.

  23. Awww I always wanted a big family. Growing up it was only my brother and I with our parents!

  24. I grew up with 5 siblings and loved it! I love having a big family and want the same for my children. :)

  25. I just had my 3rd baby, so I'm only halfway there. :-) We may go one more, but not sure yet!

  26. What a great post, reminds me to be more thankful for my own little family!

  27. This is a great post! There are a lot of advantages to having a big family!

  28. I secretly always wished I came from a big brady bunch type of family it must be loads of fun! I love my family because of our hearts!


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